E-Resources subscribed by CUSAT and E-Resources provided by ONOS


X-Ray Diffraction Analysis Software

E Shodh Sindhu Resources

Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID) Database
Springer Link 1700 Collection and Nature Journal


American Institute of Physics Journals

American Institute of Physics Journals

The American Institute of Physics (AIP) publishes a wide range of peer-reviewed journals covering various areas of the physical sciences, including open access titles. The journals cover a broad spectrum of physical sciences, including applied physics, biophysics, chemical physics, energy, materials science, nanoscience, and photonics.

Journals List
American Mathematical Society Journals
Annual Reviews Journals
ASCE Journals Online
ASME Journals Online
BMJ Journals
Cambridge University Press Journals
Elsevier ScienceDirect Journals
Emerald Publishing Journals
ICE Publishing Journals
IEEE Journals
Institute of Physics Journals
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (Wolters Kluwer) Journals
Oxford University Press Journals
Sage Publishing Journals
Springer Nature Journals
Taylor and Francis Journals
Wiley Journals

Research Tools

iThenticate is a plagiarism detection tool used by researchers and professional writers to check their original works for potential plagiarism. Please click https://cusat.turnitin.com/home/sign-in
 for registration and more details

NDL & Other E-resources

South Asia Archive (SAA)

The South Asia Archive is as a specialist digital platform delivering global electronic access to culturally and historically significant literary material produced from within - and about - the Indian subcontinent. 

The digitization of the original documents is non-destructive, and damaged pieces are restored as part of the digitization process before they are sent to storage. This digitization process enhances their usefulness in terms of portability, and also assures the conservation of this historically important material.

DELNET Resources
National Digital Library