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Rainald Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics Techniques (2nd edition) 2008 Wiley
Vivek Ajmani  Applied Econometrics Using the SAS System 2008 Wiley
Matteo Pastorino Microwave Imaging 2010 Wiley
Mishra Introduction to Proteomics: Principles and Applications 2010 Wiley
Wu-Kaung  Enzyme Technologies: Metagenomics, Evalution, Biocatalysis & Biosynthesis  2010 Wiley
Roger L. Easton Jr. Fourier Methods in Imaging 2010 Wiley
Dimitri Pappas  Practical Cell Analysis 2010 Wiley
Eales Planets and planetary system 2009 Wiley
Gabriel Bitton  Wastewater Microbiology 2010 Wiley
Gebali Algorithms and parallel computing 2011 Wiley
John Milsom Field Geophysics , 4th ed. 2011 Wiley
Boresi Elasticity in engineering mechanics 2010 Wiley
Martin McCall  Classical Mechanics: From Newton to Einstein: A Modern Introduction, 2nd Edition 2010 Wiley
Guha Microstrip and Printed Antennas 2010 Wiley
David Price Building Brains: An Introduction to Neural Development 2011 Wiley
Pingguo He  Behavior of Marine Fishes: Capture Processes and Conservation Challenges 2010 Wiley
Ngai Hang Chan Time Series: Applications to Finance with R and S-Plus, 2nd Edition 2011 Wiley
Søren Bisgaard Time Series Analysis and Forecasting by Example 2011 Wiley
Huitema The Analysis of Covariance and Alternatives: Statistical Methods 2011 Wiley
Timothy Rooney  Introduction to IP Address Management 2011 Wiley
Vikas Mittal  High Performance Polymers and Engineering Plastics 2011 Wiley
Kernan Climate change impacts on freshwater ecosystems 2010 Wiley
Douglas T. Gjerde RNA Purification and Analysis 2009 Wiley
Mario Leelerc,Jean Francois Morin Design and synthesis of conjugated polymers 2010 Wiley
Günter Schmid  Nanoparticles: From Theory to Application, 2nd, Completely Revised and Updated Edition 2010 Wiley
Jeans The Dynamical Theory of Gases 2009 Cambridge
Mihalcea Graph-based Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval 2011 Cambridge
Raychaudhuri Emerging Wireless Technologies and the Future Mobile Internet 2011 Cambridge
Johnson The Elements of MATLAB Style 2011 Cambridge
Kubby A Guide to Hands-on MEMS Design and Prototyping 2011 Cambridge
Blahut Fast Algorithms for Signal Processing 2011 Cambridge
Anderton/Kenny Macroeconomic Performance in a Globalising Economy 2011 Cambridge
Chadha/Holly Interest Rates, Prices and Liquidity 2011 Cambridge
Bindseil/Gonzalez/Tabakis Risk Management for Central Banks and Other Public Investors 2009 Cambridge
Karier Intellectual Capital 2009 Cambridge
Kornberger Brand Society 2011 Cambridge
Contractor et al Global Outsourcing and Offshoring 2011 Cambridge
Kennedy/Kossak Set Theory, Arithmetic, and Foundations of Mathematics 2011 Cambridge
Adámek et al Algebraic Theories 2011 Cambridge
Flajolet/Sedgewick Analytic Combinatorics 2011 Cambridge
Heller/Woodin Infinity  2011 Cambridge
Schiesser/Griffiths A Compendium of Partial Differential Equation Models 2009 Cambridge
Mansuripur Classical Optics and its Applications 2011 Cambridge
Griffiths/Podolský Exact Space-Times in Einstein's General Relativity 2010 Cambridge
Ghosh/Ratasuk Essentials of LTE and LTE-A 2011 Cambridge
Esseni/Palestri/Selmi Nanoscale MOS Transistors 2011 Cambridge
Litvin et al Noncircular Gears 2009 Cambridge
Walker Handbook of RF and Microwave Power Amplifiers 2011 Cambridge
Miyazaki/Fu/Huang Thin Film Shape Memory Alloys 2010 Cambridge
Ghione Semiconductor Devices for High-Speed Optoelectronics 2011 Cambridge
Carl-Erik Särndal Estimation in Surveys with nonresponse  2005 Wiley
Beirlant,Jan Statistics of extremes - Theory and application  2004 Wiley
Denuit  Actuarial theory for dependent risks-measures, orders and models  2005 Wiley
Tapiero Risk and financial management - mathematical and computational methods  2004 Wiley
Lindley  Understanding uncertainty  2006 Wiley
Singpurwalla  Reliability and risk: A bayesian perspective 2006 Wiley
Scheirs Modern Polyesters : chemistry and technology of Polyesters and Copolymers 2003 Wiley
Palma  Long-Memory time series: theory and methods  2007 Wiley
Saris  Design, Evaluation, and analysis of questionnaires for survey research  2007 Wiley
Gavriel Salvendy  Handbook of Industrial Engineering: Technology and Operations Management, Third Edition.  2001 Wiley
Daniel  Applications of statistics to industrial experimentation  1976 Wiley
Brown  Statistics: a biomedical introduction 1977 Wiley
Basilevsky Statistical factor analysis and related methods: theory and applications  1994 Wiley
Mardia  Directional statistics  1999 Wiley
Li MALDI Mass spectrometry for synthetic polymer analysis 2009 Wiley
Glasgow, Larry A. Transport Phenomena 2010 Wiley
Davis Animal cell culture: essential methods 2011 Wiley
Blaber Tropical Estuarine Fishes: Ecology, Exploitation and Conservation 2000 Wiley
Starkey Genomics- Essential methods 2010 Wiley
Abraham Modelling 1H NMR spectra of organic compounds-theory applications and NMR prediction 2008 Wiley
Bujnicki Prediction of protein structures,functions and interactions 2008 Wiley
Michael Elliot Fishes in Estuaries 2002 Wiley
Elizabeth Gosling Bivalve Molluscs: Biology, Ecology and Culture 2003 Wiley
Welcomme Inland Fisheries: Ecology and Management 2001 Wiley
Barton Microbial Ecology 2011 Wiley
Zhang Self-Healing Polymers and Polymer Composites 2011 Wiley
Grady Carbon Nanotube Polymer Composites : manufacture, properties and applications 2011 Wiley
Charles G Cobb Making Sense of Agile Project Management 2011 Wiley
Bauer Beyond Redundancy: How Geographic Redundancy Can Improve Service Availability and Reliability of Computer-Based Systems 2011 Wiley
Kontopoulou Applied Polymer rheology : polymeric fluids with industrial applications 2011 Wiley
Narayan Biomaterials Science : processing, properties and applications, vol.228 2011 Wiley
Lu Advances in Nanomaterials and Nanostructures, vol.229 2011 Wiley
Tolinski Plastics and Sustainability : towards a peaceful coexistence between bio-based and fossil fuel based plastics 2011 Wiley
Bai Practical Database Programming with Visual Basic.N ET, Second Edition 2012 Wiley
Burd Java For Dummies, 5th Edition 2011 Wiley
Davis C++ For dummies,6th ed 2009 Wiley
Huddleston Flash Catalyst CS5 Bible 2010 Wiley
Huddleston Android Fully Loaded 2010 Wiley
Yahia Abdul Rahman The art of Islamic banking and finance: Tools & Techniques for community based banking 2010 Wiley
Barry J Mcleish Successful marketing strategies for nonprofit organizations: Winning in the age of the elusive donor, 2nd ed. 2010 Wiley
Michael Bernard New Freshwater Prawn Culture: The Farming of Macrobrachium Rosenbergii, 2nd EDITION 2009 wiley
Berakdar, J.-Kirschner, J. Correlation Spectroscopy of Surfaces, Thin Films, and Nanostructures 2005 Wiley
Birkholz, Mario [et al..] Thin film analysis by xray scattering 2006 Wiley
Anselmetti Single cell analysis 2009 Wiley
Bowker Scanning tunneling microscopy in surface science 2010 Wiley
Ozawa, Kazunori. Ed. Lithium ion rechargeable batteries 2009 Wiley
Chujo Conjugated Polymer Synthesis:methods and reactions 2010 Wiley
Del Campo Generating Micro and Nanopatterns on Polymeric Materials 2011 Wiley
Rippe Genome organization and function in the cell nucleus 2011 Wiley
Pignataro Molecules at work: self assembly, nanomaterials, molecular machinery 2012 Wiley
Decher, Geo-Schlenoff Multilayer thin films,2nd ed. 2012 Wiley
Sugiyama/Suzuki/Kanamori Density ratio estimation in machine learning 2012 Cambridge
McGeoch A guide to experimental algorithms 2012 Cambridge
Stirling Theory of conditional games 2011 Cambridge
Rashid/Royer/Rummler Aspect oriented, model driven software product lines 2011 Cambridge
C. Richard Johnson Software Receiver Design 2011 Cambridge
Piet van Mieghem Graph Spectra for Complex Networks 2010 Cambridge
Tansu Alpcan, Tamer Başar Network Security 2010 Cambridge
William Ryan, Shu Lin Channel Codes 2009 Cambridge
Paul Taylor Text to Speech Synthesis 2009 Cambridge
K. J. Ray Liu, Beibei Wang Cognitive Radio Networking and Security 2010 Cambridge
Bahaa Saleh Introduction to  Subsurface Imaging 2011 Cambridge
Dhiraj K. Pradhan Practical Design Verification 2009 Cambridge
Krzysztof R. Apt, Erich Grädel Lectures in Game Theory for Computer Scientists 2011 Cambridge
Romain Couillet, Mérouane Debbah Random Matrix Methods for Wireless Communications 2011 Cambridge
Sara Turing, John F. Turing, Lyn Irvine, Martin Davis Alan M. Turing 2012 Cambridge
Andrew J. Majda, John Harlim Filtering Complex Turbulent Systems 2012 Cambridge
Hiroaki Morimoto Stochastic Control and Mathematical Modeling 2010 Cambridge
Lee Hartmann Accretion Processes in Star Formation 2009 Cambridge
Mauri Valtonen, Hannu Karttunen Three-body Problem 2006 Cambridge
C. J. Pethick, H. Smith Bose-Einstein Condensation in Dilute Gases  2008 Cambridge
Sara McLaughlin Mitchell, Emilia Justyna Powell Domestic law goes global 2011 Cambridge
Thomas Cottier, Panagiotis Delimatsis The prospects of international trade regulation 2011 Cambridge
Patrick Parkinson Family law and the indissolubility of parenthood 2011 Cambridge
Anne-Maree Farrell, David Price, Muireann Quigley Organ shortage 2011 Cambridge
Peter M. Gerhart Tort law and social morality 2011 Cambridge
Bronwen Morgan Water on tap 2011 Cambridge
Caroline E. Foster Science and the precautionary principles in international courts and tribunals 2011 Cambridge
Lisa Vanhala Making rights a reality 2011 Cambridge
Donald K. Anton, Dinah L. Shelton Environmental protection and human rights 2011 Cambridge
Rafael Domingo The new global law 2010 Cambridge
Giuditta Cordero-Moss International Commercial arbitration 2011 Cambridge
Tracy Isaacs, Richard Vernon Accountability for collective wrong doing 2011 Cambridge
Edited by Christopher B. Field, Vicente Barros, Thomas F. Stocker, Qin Dahe Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation 2012 Cambridge
Farhana Yamin, Joanna Depledge The International Climate Change Regime 2004 Cambridge
Edited by Peter S. Liss, Robert A. Duce The Sea Surface and Global Change 1997 Cambridge
Edited by Denis G. Arnold The Ethics of Global Climate Change 2011 Cambridge
John Turner, Gareth J. Marshall Climate Change in the Polar Regions 2011 Cambridge
Neil Craik The International Law of Environmental Impact Assessment 2008 Cambridge
Edited by Kirsten Hastrup, Karen Fog Olwig Climate Change and Human Mobility 2012 Cambridge
Andrew Dessler Introduction to Modern Climate Change 2011 Cambridge
E. M. Bridges World Geomorphology 1990 Cambridge
Alan Gilpin Environmental Impact Assessment 1994 Cambridge
Jean Coiffier Fundamentals of Numerical Weather Prediction 2011 Cambridge
J. David Neelin Climate Change and Climate Modeling 2010 Cambridge
Claridge, T.D. W.  High -Resolution NMR Techniques in Organic Chemistry 2009 Elsevier
  CdTe and Related Compounds; Physics Defects, Hetero - and Nano-structures,Crystal Growth, Surfaces and Application 2010 Elsevier
  Handbook Of Heterocyclic Chemistry 2010 Elsevier
Fitzpatrick,Dennis Analogue Design and Simulation Using OrCAD Capture and Pspice 2011 Elsevier
Govind Agrawal Applications Of Nonlinear Fiber Optics 2008 Elsevier
Ellis,George Control System Design Guide  2012 Elsevier
Vladimir Britanak Discrete Cosine and Sine Transforms 2007 Elsevier
Isaac Bankman  Handbook of Medical Image Processing and Analysis 2009 Elsevier
Marinescu, Dan  Classical  and Quantum Information 2011 Elsevier
House, James Inorganic Chemistry 2012 Elsevier
Kleidermacher, David Embedded Systems Security 2012 Elsevier 
Chang, H.-C.-Demekhin, Evgeny A. Complex Wave Dynamics on Thin Films 2002 Elsevier 
Valerio Magnasco Elementary Methods Of Molecular Quantum Mechanics 2007 Elsevier 
Taylor  Introduction to marine engineering ,2nd ed. 1996 Elsevier 
Wilmshurst, Tim  Designing embedded systems with PIC microcontrollers 2010 Elsevier 
Ahmad, Zaki Design  Recipes for FPGAS: Using Verilog and Corrosion Control 2012 Elsevier 
Marty Brown Analog Circuits 2008 Elsevier 
Clive Maxifields FPGAs:Instant Access 2008 Elsevier 
Keith Jack Digital Video and DSP:Instant Access 2008 Elsevier 
James D.Brosch Digital Signal Processing:Instant Access 2008 Elsevier 
Jie Jack Li, Gordon W Griddle Palladium in Heterocyclin Chemistry 2007 Elsevier 
Bai, Y  Marine structural design 2003 Elsevier 
Gawley, Robert Principles of Asymmetric Synthesis 2012 Elsevier 
Eiji Arai, Tatsuo Arai Mechatronics for Safety,Security and Dependability in a new Era 2007 Elsevier 
Tayfur Altiok & Benjamin Melamed  Simulation Modeling and Analysis with Arena  2007 Elsevier 
Claude Oestges, Bruno Clerckx MIMO wireless Communications 2007 Elsevier 
W.K.Ling Nonlinear Digital Filters 2007 Elsevier 
M. Harmata Strategies and Tactics in Organic synthesis 2008 Elsevier 
Hlawatsch, Franz Wireless Communications Over Rapidly Time- Varying Channels 2011 Elsevier 
Shieh,William OFDM for Optical Communications 2010 Elsevier 
Simpson,Jeffrey Organic Structure Determination Using 2-D NMR Spectroscopy 2012 Elsevier 
Larkin,Peter Infrared And Raman Spectroscopy: Principle  and Spectral Interpretation 2011 Elsevier 
Miroslaw Jonasz/Georges Fournier Light Scattering By Particles In Water: Theoretical and Experimental Foundations 2007 Elsevier 
R. P. Rastogi  Introduction to Non-equilibrium Physical Chemistry 2008 Elsevier 
Class Bloberg Physics of Life  2007 Elsevier 
Vladimir M. Shalaev, Satoshi Kawata Nanophotonics with Surface Plasmons 2007 Elsevier 
Band Yehuda Quantum  Mechanics  With Applications to Nanotechnology and Information Science 2012 Elsevier 
McGeorge  Marine Auxiliary machinery (7th ed)  1999 Elsevier 
Bolton W. Programmable logic controllers 2009 Elsevier 
Christopher Bowcik RF Circuit Design  2008 Elsevier 
Kevin Slattery Platform Interference in wireless systems 2008 Elsevier 
Smith, Michael  Organic synthesis, 3rd ed. 2012 Elsevier 
Eur Ing Albert Lester  Project Management, Planning and Control 2007 Elsevier 
Faist Quantum Cascade Lasers 2013 Oxford
Carlo Giunti, Chung W Kim Fundamentals of Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics 2010 Oxford
Cheng, Ta-Pei Relativity, Gravtational and Cosmology: A Basc introduction 2010 Oxford
Barford, William  Electronic and optical properties of Conjugated polymers 2013 Oxford
Chaudhuri, Amit D H Lawrence and difference postcoloniality and the poetry of the present 2011 Oxford
Deer Culture in Camouflage 2009 Oxford
Ellis, David Death and the author how D H Lawrence died and was remembered 2011 Oxford
Asaddudin & Ghosh Filming fiction 2012 Oxford
Landy How to do things with fiction 2012 Oxford
Bevington Murder most foul 2012 Oxford
Sethi, Rumina Myths of the national identity and literary representation 2011 Oxford
Landy Philosophy as fiction 2007 Oxford
Sudhir Munder Ross Tales of love, sex and danger 2012 Oxford
Tweedie The age of new waves 2014 Oxford
Mcgann, Jerome J The beauty of inflections 2012 Oxford
Landreth The face of mammon 2012 Oxford
Clingman The grammar of identity 2009 Oxford
Mason, Michael The making of victorian sexuality 2011 Oxford
McFarland, Thomas William Words worth: Intensity and achevement 2011 Oxford
Kelly, Gary Women, writing and revolution 2011 Oxford
Richard D Bardgett The Biology of Soil: A Community and Ecosystem Approach 2010 Oxford
Gambini A first course in loop quantum gravity 2013 Oxford
Janssen Aperiodic crystals 2007 Oxford
Briggs, Kolosov Acoustic microscopy 2010 Oxford
Blinc Advanced ferroelectricity 2012 Oxford
Barrabes Advanced general relativity 2013 Oxford
McCoy Advanced statistical mechanics 2010 Oxford
Wilson An introduction to particle accelerators 2010 Oxford
Kisi Applications of neutron powder diffraction 2009 Oxford
Eaton Atomic force microscopy 2010 Oxford
Mazo Brownian motion 2010 Oxford
Hiborn Chaos and nonlinear dynamics 2010 Oxford
Basalla Civilized life in the universe 2007 Oxford
Paganin Coherent X-ray optics 2007 Oxford
Maekawa Concepts in spin electronics 2007 Oxford
Clegg Crystal structure analysis 2009 Oxford
Muller et al Crystal structure refinement 2010 Oxford
Herbstein Crystalline molecular complexes and compounds 2007 Oxford
Chakkis Electron-Phonon Interactions in Low-Dimensional Structures 2010 Oxford
Launay, Verdaguer Electrons in molecules 2014 Oxford
Asda et al Equations of motion in general relativity 2011 Oxford
Agranovich Excitations in organic solids 2009 Oxford
Wolf Graphene 2014 Oxford
Spence High-resolution electron microscopy 2014 Oxford
Johnson Holographic visions 2010 Oxford
Chen Introduction to Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Second Edition 2007 Oxford
Kontturi Ionic transport processes 2008 Oxford
Munowitz Knowing 2007 Oxford
Rand Lectures on Light 2010 Oxford
Bincer Lie groups and lie algebras 2013 Oxford
Weiner, Nunes Light-matter interaction 2013 Oxford
Gatteschi Molecular nanomagnets 2007 Oxford
Mittal ed Nanocomposites with biodegradable polymers 2011 Oxford
Ben amar et al New trends in the physics and mechanics of biological systems 2009 Oxford
Kragh Niels Bohr and the Quantum Atom 2012 Oxford
Blumich NMR imaging of materials 2010 Oxford
Attard Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and statistical mechanics 2013 Oxford
Candell et al Orbital approach to the electronic structure of solids 2013 Oxford
Fujimoto Plasma spectroscopy 2007 Oxford
Ivanov Problems of condensed matter physics 2008 Oxford
Ustinov Quantum dot lasers 2010 Oxford
Ridley Quantum processes in semiconductors 2013 Oxford
Kiefer Quantum gravity 2012 Oxford
Lax Random processes in physics and finance 2010 Oxford
Davies Science in the looking glass 2008 Oxford
Wilkinson Science, Religion, and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence 2013 Oxford
Spieler Semiconductor detector systems 2007 Oxford
Ihn Semiconductor Nanostructures 2010 Oxford
Skomski Simple models of magnetism 2010 Oxford
Doi Soft Matter Physics 2013 Oxford
David Structure determination from powder diffraction data 2010 Oxford
Muller Symmetry relationships between crystal structures 2013 Oxford
Hentschel The mental aftermath 2010 Oxford
Heikkila The physics of nanoelectronics 2013 Oxford
Orton The story of semiconductors 2010 Oxford
Girifalco The universal force 2008 Oxford
Volovik The universe in a helium droplet 2009 Oxford
Basu Theory of optical processes in semiconductors 2010 Oxford
Stoneham Theory of Defects in Solids 2007 Oxford
Jenkin William and Lawrence Bragg, Father and Son 2008 Oxford
Anduaga Wireless and Empire  2009 Oxford
Cooper X-ray compton scattering 2007 Oxford
Guandong Applied data mining 2013 CRC
Simpson, Richard C  Computer Access for People with Disabilities: A Human Factors Approach 2013 CRC
Alexander M Research methodology: from philosophy of science to research design 2013 CRC
El Emary Wireless Sensor Networks: A Cognitive Perspective 2012 CRC
Braga, Roberto A. Dynamic Laser Speckle and Applications 2008 CRC
Deguchi, Yoshihiro Industrial Applications of Laser Diagnostics 2011 CRC
Barat, Kenneth Laser Safety 2003 CRC
Fotakis C Lasers in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Principles and Applications 2006 CRC
Damzen Stimulated Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals and Applications 2003 CRC
Durate F.J. Tunable Laser Applications, Second Edition 2008 CRC
Yi, Dong Kee Nanobiomaterials: Development and applications 2013 CRC
Thomas, Sabu…[et al] Natural Polymers, Biopolymers, Biomaterials, and Their Composites, Blends, and IPNs 2012 CRC
Leng, Jinsong Shape-Memory Polymers and Multifunctional Composites 2010 CRC
Tanya E.Cheeke,
 David C. Coleman,
Diana H.Wall
Microbial Ecology in Sustainable Agroecosystems 2012 CRC
Planell Bone repair biomaterials 2009 WoodHead
Di Silvio Cellular response to biomaterials 2009 WoodHead
Amit Characterization of Biomaterials 2013 WoodHead
Nagata Controller design for industrial robots and machine tools 2013 WoodHead
Melhem Electricity Transmission  Distribution and Storage Systems 2013 WoodHead
Gluskin Free Electron Lasers 2002 2003 Elsevier
Sawamura Free Electron Lasers 2003 2004 Elsevier
David C. Coleman et al Fundamentals of Soil Ecology 2004 Academic Press
Bube, Richard Fundamentals of Solar Cells: Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion 1983 Elsevier
Kozlowski, Ruszard M Handbook of natural fibres: Processsing and applications Vol.II 2012 WoodHead
Kozlowski, Ruszard M Handbook of natural fibres: Types, properies and factors affecting breeding and cultivatio Vol. I 2012 WoodHead
Masuhara Nanophotonics: Integrating Photochemistry, Optics and Nano/Bio Materials Studies 2004 Elsevier
Chakraborty Quantum dots: a Survey of the properties of artificial atoms 1999 Elsevier
Goodship Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Handbook 2012 WoodHead
Sorensen Wind Energy Systems 2011 WoodHead
Watkins Agile testing 2009 Cambridge
Japkowicz Evaluating learning algorithms 2011 Cambridge
Bhanu Multibiometrics for human identification 2011 Cambridge
Zhang Protein interaction networks 2009 Cambridge
Stark Sparse image and signal processing 2010 Cambridge
Oberkampf Verification and validation in scientific computing 2013 Cambridge
Beerel/Izdag/Ferretti A Designers guide to asynchronous 2010 Cambridge
Gupta, Mukherjee, Venkatasubramaniyan Body area networks 2013 Cambridge
Harris Carbon nanotube science 2009 Cambridge
Scjmeider/Galupmontoro Cmos analog design using all region mosfet modelling 2010 Cambridge
Cox Essentials of lte umts 2009 Cambridge
Hunn Essentials of short-range wireless 2010 Cambridge
Hossain High performance asic design 2009 Cambridge
Richardson/Urbanke Information theory 2012 Cambridge
Teppati, Ferrero, Sayed Modern rf and microwave measurement tec 2013 Cambridge
Roblin Nonlinear rf ciruits and nonlinerar vector network analyzers 2011 Cambridge
Widrow/Kollar Quantization noise 2010 Cambridge
Mathia Robotics for electronics manufacturing 2010 Cambridge
Vaidyanath/Phoong/Lin Signal processing and optimization for thranseiver 2011 Cambridge
Schreier/Scharf Statistical signal processing of complex-valued data 2011 Cambridge
Weston/Bollier Green Governance 2013 Cambridge
Chartier Anarchy and legal order 2012 Cambridge
Jovanolve Collective rights 2012 Cambridge
Peters/Handschin Conflict of interst in global, public and corporate governce 2012 Cambridge
Bruner Corporate governance in the common-law world 2013 Cambridge
Kullick Global public interest in International Investment Law 2012 Cambridge
Dyzenhaus Hobbes and the law 2012 Cambridge
King Judicial social rights 2012 Cambridge
Rubin Legal education in digital age 2012 Cambridge
Cohen-Eliya Proportinality and Constitutional culture 2013 Cambridge
McLean Searching for the state in British Legal Thought 2012 Cambridge
Bussani/Mattei The cambridge compansion to comparative law 2013 Cambridge
Beas Rodrigues The General exception clause of the TRIPS Agreement 2012 Cambridge
Conway The limit of legal reasoning and the European court of justice 2012 Cambridge
Fontaine The mind of the Criminal 2012 Cambridge
Brian Koberlein, David Meisel Astrophysics through computation: With Mathematics Support 2014 Cambridge
Regev, Oded Chaos and Complexity in Astrophysics 2010 Cambridge
Michael a Stroscio; Mitra Dutta Phonons in Nanostructures 2009 Cambridge
Cahrlton M Positron Physcis 2009 Cambridge
Squires G L Practical physics 2012 Cambridge
Andrew Pressley; J W S Cassels Quantum groups and lie theory 2009 Cambridge
L B Freund; S Suresh Thin film materials: Stress, defect formation and surface evolution 2010 Cambridge
Polunin Aquatic ecosystems: trends and global prospects 2010 Cambridge
Merz JR/Ringe./Rey Noids Drug desing: Structure and ligand-based approaches 2010 Cambridge
Hensel/Schmidt Horizondal gene transfer in the evolution of pathogenesis 2009 Cambridge
Bedau/Cleland The nature of life: Clssical and contemporary perspectives from philosophy and science 2010 Cambridge
Cynamon/Fazzari / Setterfield After the Great Recession 2012 Cambridge
Gotoh/Dumouchel Against Injustice 2010 Cambridge
Frynas Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility 2009 Cambridge
Simon/Cao China's Emerging Technological Edge 2011 Cambridge
Carroll et al Corporate responsibility 2012 Cambridge
Hemingway Corporate Social Entrepreneurship 2013 Cambridge
Sheng Economic Openness and Territorial Politics in China 2010 Cambridge
Hope et al Economic Reform in India 2013 Cambridge
Kressel/Lento Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy 2012 Cambridge
di Mauro/Dees/ Mukibbin Globalisation, regionalism and Economic Interdependence 2009 Cambridge
Bresser Pereira Globalization and Competition 2010 Cambridge
Moggridge Harry Johnson 2009 Cambridge
Fischer/Gebauer/ Fleisch Service Business Development 2012 Cambridge
Goodhart The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 2011 Cambridge
Van Bergeijk/ Brakman The Gravity Model in International Trade 2010 Cambridge
Maki The Methodology of Positive Economics 2009 Cambridge
Fransman The New ICT Ecosystem 2010 Cambridge
Nayyar The Service Sector in India's Development 2012 Cambridge
Dosi/Glambos The Third Industrial Revolution in Global Business 2013 Cambridge
Jones et al Antonyms in English 2012 Cambridge
Hilpert Constructional Change in English 2013 Cambridge
Baker/Gabrielatos/McEnery Discourse Analysis and Media Attitudes 2013 Cambridge
Moyer Foreign Accent: The Phenomenon of Non-native Speech 2013 Cambridge
Glover Literature, Immigration and Diaspora in Fin-de-Siecle England 2012 Cambridge
Sanford/Emmott Mind, Brain and Narrative 2013 Cambridge
Rowland Romanticism and Childhood 2012 Cambridge
Hooper Sexual Politics in the work of tennessee Williams 2012 Cambridge
Thornton Burnett Shakespeare and World Cinema 2012 Cambridge
Sullivan, Jr Sleep, Romance and Human Embodiment 2012 Cambridge
Menon The Performance of Nationalism 2012 Cambridge
Chomsky/ McGilvray The Science of Language 2012 Cambridge
Aarts et al The Verb Phrase in English 2013 Cambridge
Brice Heath Words at Work and Play 2012 Cambridge
Gu, Min Femtosecond Biophotonics 2010 Cambridge
Liu, Jia Ming Photonic Devices 2010 Cambridge
Richard Bardgett, Michael Usher, David Hopkins Biological Diversity and Function in Soils 2009 Cambridge
Michel, Le Bellace Quantum physics 2013 Cambridge
Alencar Digital Television Systems 2010 Cambridge
Challa et al Fundamentals of Object Tracking 2011 Cambridge
Maier Optical Switching Networks 2010 Cambridge
Ching et al Quasilinear Control 2011 Cambridge
He/Li/Stoica Waveform Design for Active Sensing Systems 2012 Cambridge
Murthy Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols 2004 Pearson 
Ugural;Fenster Advanced Strength and Applied Elasticity 2003 Pearson 
Gopi;SathiKumar;Madhu Advanced Surveying: Total Station, GIS and Remote Sensing 2007 Pearson 
Daniels; Sidaway; Bradshaw; Shaw An Introduction to Human Geography 2012 Pearson 
Alam Applications Software Re-engineering 2010 Pearson 
Negnevitsky Artificial Intelligence: A Guide to Intelligent Systems 2011 Pearson 
Walther ASP.NET MVC Framework Unleashed 2010 Pearson 
Irvine Assembly Language for x86 Processors 2011 Pearson 
Gopi Basic Civil Engineering 2009 Pearson 
Reges;Stepp Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach 2011 Pearson 
Madsen;Shumaker;Madsen Civil Drafting Technology 2010 Pearson 
Linthicum Cloud Computing and SOA Convergence in Your Enterprise: A Step-by-Step Guide 2010 Pearson 
Schmidt Complete A+ Guide to PC Repair, The 2011 Pearson 
Kurose;Ross Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach 2010 Pearson 
Kamthane; Kamal Computer Programming and IT 2012 Pearson 
Bryant;O’Hallaron Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective 2011 Pearson 
Sebesta Concepts of Programming Languages 2010 Pearson 
Aiello;Sachs Configuration Management Best Practices: Practical Methods that Work in the Real World 2011 Pearson 
Nunnally Construction Methods and Management 2011 Pearson 
Jha Construction Project Management 2011 Pearson 
Newitt Construction Scheduling: Principles and Practices 2009 Pearson 
Geary;Horstmann Core JavaServer Faces 2010 Pearson 
Panko Corporate Computer and Network Security 2010 Pearson 
Fischer;Cytron;LeBlanc Crafting A Compiler 2010 Pearson 
Ram Design of Steel Structures 2010 Pearson 
Zwolinski Digital System Design with SystemVerilog 2010 Pearson 
Dustin Effective Software Testing: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Testing 2003 Pearson 
Hibbeler Engineering Mechanics: Combined Statics & Dynamics 2010 Pearson 
Houghtalen;Akan;Hwang Fundamentals of Hydraulic Engineering Systems 2010 Pearson 
Pohit; Ghosh Machine Drawing with AutoCAD 2006 Pearson 
Kibbe et al. Machine Tool Practices 2010 Pearson 
Garg Mobile Computing 2010 Pearson 
Valacich;Hoffer;George Modern Systems Analysis and Design 2011 Pearson 
Subramanian Network Management: Principles and Practice 2000 Pearson 
Neuman;Fawcett Neuman Systems Model, The 2011 Pearson 
Sobell Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming, A 2010 Pearson 
Morrow;Kokernak Statics and Strength of Materials 2011 Pearson 
Raj; Ramasamy Strength of Materials 2012 Pearson 
Hibbeler Structural Analysis 2009 Pearson 
Kavanagh Surveying with Construction Applications 2010 Pearson 
Hoover System Programming with C and Unix 2010 Pearson 
Blanchard;Fabrycky Systems Engineering and Analysis 2011 Pearson 
Dobrin;Keller;Weisser Technical Communication in the Twenty-First Century 2010 Pearson 
Gupta Test Automation and QTP: QTP 9.2, QTP 9.5, QTP 10.0 and Functional Test 11.0 2012 Pearson 
Singh Theory of Machines: Kinematics and Dynamics 2012 Pearson 
Rangelov, Stanislav.-Pispas, Astergios Polymer and Polymer-hybrid nanoparticles 2013 CRC
Emond, Claude-Malsch, Ineke Nanotechnology and Human Health 2013 CRC
Maitland, Duncan J.-Moore, James E &George Zouridakis Biomedical Technology and Devices 2013 CRC
Yu, Wenwei; Subhagata Chattopadhyay, Teik-Cheng Lim, U. Rajendra Acharya Advances in Therapeutic Engineering 2012 CRC
Tiwari, Ashutosh-Tiwari, Atul Bioengineered Nanomaterials 2013 CRC
Lundblad, Roger L Biotechnology of Plasma Proteins 2012 CRC
Haghi, A.k Ninan, Neethu.- Sebastian, Mathew Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery 2012 CRC
Elias, Eldho.- Ninan, Neethu.-Sebastian, Mathew Nanomedicine and Cancer Therapies 2012 CRC
Abdul Rahim, Nur Aida-Yu, Hanry Imaging in Cellular and Tissue Engineering 2013 CRC
El-Halwagi, Mahmoud M .- Stuart, Paul R Integrated Biorefineries 2012 CRC
Yao, Kangde Chitosan-based Hydrogels 2011 CRC
Rosentrater, Kurt A.-Liu, Keshun Distillers Grains 2011 CRC
Niazi, Sarfaraz K Disposable Bioprocessing Systems 2011 CRC
Peer, Dan Handbook of Harnessing Biomaterials in Nanomedicine 2012 CRC
Best, Serena.-Ramakrishna, Seeram.-Ramalingam, Murugan Biomaterials and Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine 2012 CRC
Peattie, Robert A Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Engineering 2012 CRC
Irudayaraj, Joseph M Biomedical Nanosensors 2012 CRC
Fisher, John P Tissue Engineering 2007 CRC
Sahoo, Sanjeeb Nanotechnology in Health Care 2012 CRC
Bertolini, Andrea C Starches 2009 CRC
Shrader, Stephen R. Introductory Mass Spectroscopy 2013 CRC
Lavrinenka Andrei V Numerical  Methods in Photonics 2014 CRC
Sennaroglu, Alphan Solid-State Lasers and Applications 2006 CRC
Bouchonnet, Stephen Introduction to GC-MS Coupling 2013 CRC
Grady,Leo.-Lezoray, Olivier Image Processing And Analysis with Graphs 2012 CRC
Ahmed, Ashfaque. Software Project Management: a project driven approach 2011 CRC
Even, Guy.-Medina, Moti Digital Logic Design: A Rigorous Approach  2012 Cambridge
Lim, Henry C.-Shin, Hwa Sung Feb-batch Cultures : Principles and Applications of Semi-Batch Bioreactors 2013 Cambridge
Turcotte DL Fractals and Chaos in Geology and Geophysics 1997 Cambridge
Willink,Robin Measurement uncertainty and probability 2013 Cambridge
Stewart, Miranda O'Connell, An Harding, Mathew Not-for-profit law 2014 Cambridge
Kobayashi,Hisashi; Turin, William & Mark,Brian L. Probability, random processes and statistical analysis 2011 Cambridge
Miller, Dale-Nadathur, Gopalan. Programming with Higher-order Logic 2012 Cambridge
Webber, Gregoire C N Miler, Bradely W Huscroft, Grant Proportionality and the rule of law 2014 Cambridge
Tutz, Gerhard Regression for categorical data 2011 Cambridge
Karp, David  Jason Responsibility for human rights 2014 Cambridge
Screpanti An Outline of the History of Economic Thought 2005 Oxford
Freeman(ed) As Time Goes By 2002 Oxford
Marimon Computational Methods for the Study of Dynamic Economics 2001 Oxford
Zachariah Developing India 2005 Oxford
Lopez Economic Development and Environmental Sustainability 2006 Oxford
Audretsch Entrepreneurial Society 2007 Oxford
Vega-Redondo Evolution, Games, and Economic Behaviour 1996 Oxford
Bhavani & Bhanumurthy  Financial Access in Post-Reform India 2012 Oxford
Aragon Financial Ethics 2010 Oxford
Henrich Foundations of Human Sociality 2004 Oxford
Link Government as Entrepreneur 2009 Oxford
Laffont incentives and Political Economy 2001 Oxford
Richardson Information and Investment
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Hofstad, Remco van der  Random Graphs and Complex Networks 2017 Cambridge
Mavko, Gary The Rock Physics Handbook: Tools for Seismic Analysis of Porous Media 2009 Cambridge University Press
Caldarelli, Guido  
Data Science and Complex Networks
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2016 Oxford Uni. Press
Guang S. He Nonliner optics and photonics 2014 Oxford Uni. Press
Alcubierre, Miguel Introduction to 3+1 numerical relativity 2008 Oxford Uni. Press
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Grimm, Dieter Constitutionalism 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
Miller, Paul B;ed Contract, status and Fiduciary law 2017 Oxford Uni. Press
Binder, Guyora Criminal Law 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
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Singh,Raghvendra K. Law and regulation of public offering of corporate securities 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
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Farmer,Lindsay Making the Modern Criminal Law 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
Jefferies,Cameron S. G. Marine Mammal Conservation and the law of the Sea 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
Ohlin,Jens David Necessity in International Law 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
Fellmeth,Aaron X Paradigms of International Human Rights Law 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
Leach, Philip Parliaments and the European Court of Human Rights 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
Arato,Andrew Post Sovereign Constitution Making 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
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Krotoszynski,Ronald J Privacy Revisited 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
Kelly, Michael J Prosecuting Corporations for Genocide 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
Pifferi, Michele Reinventing Punishment 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
Lippke,Richard L Taming the Presumption of Innocence 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
Novic, E The Concept of Cultural Genocide 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
Smitha Nizar The Contradiction in Disability Law 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
Ringe, Wolf-Georg The Deconstruction of equity 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
Bhuta, Nehal The Frontiers of Human Rights 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
Costello, Cathryn The Human Rights of Migrants and Refugees in European Law 2016 Oxford Uni. Press
Cortes,Pablo; ed. The New Regulatory framework for consumer dispute resolution 2017 Oxford Uni. Press
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Wallace, Rodrick An Ecosystem Approach to Economic
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Hess, Peter Economic Growth and Sustainable Development; 2nd ed. 2016 TaylorFrancis
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Oya,Carlos; ed. Rural Wage  Employment in  Developing
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Managi, Shunsuke;ed. The  Economics of Green Growth 2015 TaylorFrancis
O'Sullivan, Patrick The  Philosophy, Politics and Economics of
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Pries, Kim H Big Data Analytics: A practical guide for managers 2015 CRC Press
Li, Kuan-Ching Big Data Algorithms, Analytics, and Applications 2015 CRC Press
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Terzo, Olivier Cloud Computing with e-Science Applications 2015 CRC Press
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House, David Dry Docking and Shipboard Maintenance 2016 Taylor Francis
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Andrews, Sudhir SALES & MKTG:A TB FOR HOSPITALITY IND 2009 McGrawHill
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