New Arrivals on 22.10.2020

(The following books will be issued after 09.11.2020
Title Author Call No.
Generalities, Computer Science & Social Science
1 How to write a master's thesis Bui, Yvonne N. 001.8:303.832.2 BUI/H
2 Writing your master's thesis Nygaard, Lynn P. 001.8:303.832.2 NYG/W
3 Pyramid principle Minto, Barbara 001.818 MIN/P
4 100 Questions (and answers) about action research Duesbery, Luke 001.891 DUE/Q
5 Routledge doctoral supervisor's companion Walker, Melanie 001.891:37 WAL/P
6 Smash innovation Gopichand, Katragadda 001.894 GOP/S
7 Blockchain enabled applications Dhillon, Vikram 004.072.6 DHI/B
8 Interactive C# Sarcar, Vaskaran 004.438C# SAR/I
9 Beginning django Rubio, Daniel 004.438PYT RUB/B
10 Advanced object-oriented programming in R Mailund, Thomas 004.438R MAI/A
11 R Markdown:definitive guide Xie, Yihui 004.439 XIE/R
12 Advanced data analytics using python Mukhopadhyay, Sayan 004.657PYT MUK/A
13 History of time Holford-Strevens, Leofranc 006.954.3 HOL/H
14 Dynamics of culture Namenwirth, J. Zvi 008 NAM/D.2
15 Samskarika bhouthikavadam (സാംസ്‌കാരിക ഭൗതികവാദം) Panicker, K. N. 141.82=M PAN/S
16 Athmabalam enna kala (ആത്മബലം എന്ന കല) Hanh, Thich Nhat 159.923.2 HAN/A
17 Creating true peace Hanh, Thich Nhat 24-583 HAN/C
18 Twilight of the idols and the anti-christ Nietzsche, Friedrich 27-1(430) NIE/T
19 Gujatath (ഗുജറാത്ത്) Mohanlal Krishnan 303.686(540.51)=M MOH/G
20 Effective leadership, management and supervision in health and social care Field, Richard 316.46:364.73 FIE/E
21 Archaeology of knowledge Foucault, Michel 32(091) FOU/A
22 Left front and after Jyotiprasad ,Chatterjee 32(540.33) JYO/L.3
23 Edathupaksham Cheyyendathu (ഇടതുപക്ഷം ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് ) Vijayan, Pinaray 32:89M-4 VIJ/E
24 Why marx was right Eagleton, Terry 329.15:141.82 EAG/W
25 Business of tourism Holloway, Christopher 338.48-6:005 HOL/B
26 India rising:multi layered analysis of ideas, interests and institutions   339.54(540) PLA/I
27 Wheel of justice VeerappaMoily,M 340.114 VEE/W
28 Rule of law in india Narasappa, Harish 340.131(540) NAR/R
29 Mathetharathuam (മതേതരത്വം) Rajan, P. 342.724=M RAJ/M
30 Verdict :decoding india's elections Roy, Prannoy 342.8(540) ROY/V
31 Arthur crawford scandal Metelits, Michael D. 343.352-058.6(540) MET/A
32 Academic skills handbook Hopkins, Diana 378 HOP/A R
33 In forest, field and factory Gauri, Bharat 39(540)"19" GAU/I
Science and Management
34 God created the integers Hawking, Stephen 5-051(091) HAW/G
35 Ramanujan's lost notebook Andrews, George E. 51 AND/RA
36 Computational complexity of counting and sampling Miklos, Istvan 510.54 MIK/C
37 Galois theory through exercises Brzezinski, Juliusz 512.623.3 BRZ/G
38 Symmetry breaking for representations of rank one orthogonal groups ll Kobayashi, Toshiyuki 514.7 KOB/S
39 Discrete stochastic processes and applications Collet, Jean-Francois 519.216 COL/D
40 Markov chains Douc, Randal 519.217.2 DOU/M
41 Maritime clusters and the ocean economy Myles, Peter B. 551.35 MYL/M
42 Foodborne diseases Holban, Alina Maria 613.2-099(035) HOL/F.15
43 Switch:activate your metabolism for a healthier life Clement, James W. 614 CLE/S
44 Hippocratic oath or hypocrisy? Anita, Bakshi 614.253 ANI/H
45 Kidney transplants and scams Ramesh,Kumar 616.61 RAM/K
46 Advances in materials and their applications Rama Rao, P. 620.1 RAM/A
47 Model-based processing Candy, James V. 621.391.8 CAN/M
48 Machine drawing Narayana, K. L. 621.9:74 NAR/M
49 Arduino robotics Warren, John - David 621-52 WAR/A
50 Essential kerala cook book Vijayan, Kannampilly 641.55(083.12)(540.69) VIJ/E
51 Business research methods Poon, Wai-Ching 65.012.12 POO/B
52 Modern playbook of digital transformation Mishra, Amitabh P. 658 MIS/M
53 Digitalising enterprise :in an information age Olson, David L. 658.11:004.413 OLS/D
54 Talent wins Charan, Ram 658.3 CHA/I
55 Direct, digital & data-driven marketing Spiller, Lisa 658.8 SPI/D
56 Marketing communications Egan, John 658.82 EGA/M
57 Corporate social responsibility Moon, Jeremy 658:364-7 MOO/C
Literature, Biography and Fiction
58 Renaissance art :very short introduction Johnson, Geraldine A. 7.034 JOH/R
59 Translation and world literature Bassnett, Susan 81'255.2(100) BAS/T
60 Teaching space, place, and literature Tally Jr., Robert T. 82.09 TAL/T
61 Literature and emotion Hogan, Patrick Colm 82:159.942 HOG/L
62 Key papers in literature and psychoanalysis Williams, Paul 82:159.964.2 WIL/K
63 Shipwreck in art and literature Thompson, Carl 82:656.085.3 THO/S
64 Ways of re-thinking literature Bishop, Tom 820 BIS/W
65 Singularity of literature Attridge, Derek 820.09 ATT/S
66 Work of Literature Attridge, Derek 820.09 ATT/W
67 Foucault and literature During, Simon 820.09 DUR/F
68 Poetry of belonging Mahmudabad, Ali Khan 820.1.09(540)"1850-1950" MAH/P
69 Landour days:writer's journal Bond, Ruskin 820-94 BON/I
70 My brief history Hawking, Stephen 820-94 HAW/M
71 Bhashayude athijeevanathinu oru janathayude sancharam Ganesh, C 89M-4 GAN/B
72 Thirayora charithrathile thiru sheshippukal (തിരയോര ചരിത്രത്തിലെ തിരുശേഷിപ്പുകൾ) Robert, Panipilla 89M-4 ROB/T
73 Jeevitham kochu kochu santhoshangal (ജീവിതം കൊച്ചു കൊച്ചു സന്തോഷങ്ങള്‍) Joseph, Puthenpurackal 89M-94 JOS/J
74 Thakazhi ( തകഴി ) Jayalal, J. 89M-94 THA/T
75 His majesty's opponent Bose, Sugata 92(BOS) BOS
76 Psychological impact of the partition of india Jain, Sanjeev 954:364.622(540) JAI/P
77 Clear light of day Anita, Desai F ANI/CLE
78 Life and fate Grossman, Vasily F GRO/LI
79 House of cards Sudha, Murty F SUD/HO
80 Patiyettam (പടിയേറ്റം ) Nandakumar, R. FM NAN/P


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