Cochin University of Science and Technology
Search Library Catalog

- REMOTE Login Access to E-resources @ Cusat
- One Nation One Subscription (ONOS) scheme, is now available at the University.
- Library Tutorials
- Registration form in our website for DrillBit
- IEEE Xplore is now activated !
- Access to Scopus database is now activated
- iThenticate is activated. Please click here for registration and more details
- University Library, CUSAT bagged the Best Koha Implementation Award at Library Technology Conclave -2018 held at Goa university, Goa
- Online Access to Archives(Elsevier 6 subject collection, AIP journals, RSC journals)
- Access to Wiley 908 titles
Important Links
Gateway all e-resources available @CUSAT
Online Catalog
Online Catalog search
Remote Login
CUSAT has provided access to eresources through remote login
A reservoir of Indian Theses
Union Catalog
CUSAT Library Catalog
Institutional Repository
Intellectual outputs of CUSAT Academic Community
Facilitates academic community to showcase the scholarly communication activities

AI for Research:
Opportunities and Challenges

Webinar On J-Gate

Summer School Camp
Summer School Camp for School Students -2019
Talk by PF Mathews - Vayanotsavam

Book Festival
Book Festival - November 2019