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Publisherwise E-Journals

Tissue and CellElsevier
Topics in Companion Animal MedicineElsevier
Topology and its ApplicationsElsevier
Total Environment AdvancesElsevier
Tourism ManagementElsevier
Tourism Management PerspectivesElsevier
Toxicology and Applied PharmacologyElsevier
Toxicology in VitroElsevier
Toxicology LettersElsevier
TrAC Trends in Analytical ChemistryElsevier
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of ChinaElsevier
Transfusion and Apheresis ScienceElsevier
Transfusion Clinique et BiologiqueElsevier
Transfusion Medicine ReviewsElsevier
Transfusion ScienceElsevier
Translational ResearchElsevier
Transplant ImmunologyElsevier
Transplantation and Cellular TherapyElsevier
Transplantation ProceedingsElsevier
Transplantation ReviewsElsevier
Transport PolicyElsevier
Transportation GeotechnicsElsevier
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and PracticeElsevier
Transportation Research Part B: MethodologicalElsevier
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging TechnologiesElsevier
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and EnvironmentElsevier
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation ReviewElsevier
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and BehaviourElsevier
Travel Behaviour and SocietyElsevier
Travel Medicine and Infectious DiseaseElsevier
Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical CareElsevier
Trends in Biochemical SciencesElsevier
Trends in BiotechnologyElsevier
Trends in CancerElsevier
Trends in Cardiovascular MedicineElsevier
Trends in Cell BiologyElsevier
Trends in ChemistryElsevier
Trends in Cognitive SciencesElsevier
Trends in Ecology & EvolutionElsevier
Trends in Endocrinology & MetabolismElsevier
Trends in Environmental Analytical ChemistryElsevier
Trends in Food Science & TechnologyElsevier
Trends in GeneticsElsevier
Trends in ImmunologyElsevier
Trends in MicrobiologyElsevier
Trends in Molecular MedicineElsevier
Trends in Neuroscience and EducationElsevier
Trends in NeurosciencesElsevier
Trends in ParasitologyElsevier
Trends in Pharmacological SciencesElsevier
Trends in Plant ScienceElsevier
Tribology InternationalElsevier
Tubercle and Lung DiseaseElsevier
Tunnelling and Underground Space TechnologyElsevier
Ultrasonics SonochemistryElsevier
Ultrasound in Medicine & BiologyElsevier
Update on Cancer TherapeuticsElsevier
Upstream Oil and Gas TechnologyElsevier
Urban ClimateElsevier
Urban Forestry & Urban GreeningElsevier
Urban WaterElsevier
Urgences MédicalesElsevier
Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original InvestigationsElsevier
Utilities PolicyElsevier
Vacunas (English Edition)Elsevier
Value in HealthElsevier
Value in Health Regional IssuesElsevier
Vascular PharmacologyElsevier
Vehicular CommunicationsElsevier
Veterinary Anaesthesia and AnalgesiaElsevier
Veterinary Immunology and ImmunopathologyElsevier
Veterinary MicrobiologyElsevier
Veterinary ParasitologyElsevier
Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and ReportsElsevier
Vibrational SpectroscopyElsevier
Virus ResearchElsevier
Vision ResearchElsevier
Vistas in AstronomyElsevier
Visual Journal of Emergency MedicineElsevier
Waste ManagementElsevier
Water ResearchElsevier
Water Resources and EconomicsElsevier
Water Resources and Rural DevelopmentElsevier
Water SecurityElsevier
Wave MotionElsevier
Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide WebElsevier
Woman - Psychosomatic Gynaecology and ObstetricsElsevier
Women and BirthElsevier
Women's Health IssuesElsevier
Women's Health MedicineElsevier
Women's Studies International ForumElsevier
World DevelopmentElsevier
World Development PerspectivesElsevier
World NeurosurgeryElsevier
World Patent InformationElsevier
World Science and TechnologyElsevier
Wound Medicine Elsevier
Zeitschrift für ärztliche Fortbildung und Qualität im GesundheitswesenElsevier
Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im GesundheitswesenElsevier
Zeitschrift für Medizinische PhysikElsevier
Zentralblatt für BakteriologieElsevier
Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative ZoologyElsevier
Mathematics and Computers in SimulationElsevier
Matrix BiologyElsevier
Mayo Clinic ProceedingsElsevier
Meat ScienceElsevier
Mechanical Systems and Signal ProcessingElsevier
Mechanics of MaterialsElsevier
Mechanics Research CommunicationsElsevier
Mechanism and Machine TheoryElsevier
Mechanisms of Ageing and DevelopmentElsevier
Medical DosimetryElsevier
Medical Engineering & PhysicsElsevier
Medical HypothesesElsevier
Medical Image AnalysisElsevier
Medical Journal Armed Forces IndiaElsevier
Medical Laser ApplicationElsevier
Medical PhotonicsElsevier
Medical Update for PsychiatristsElsevier
Medicina Clínica (English Edition)Elsevier
Medicina Intensiva (English Edition)Elsevier
Mendeleev CommunicationsElsevier
Mental Health & PreventionElsevier
Mental Health and Physical ActivityElsevier
Metabolic EngineeringElsevier
Metal FinishingElsevier
Methods in OceanographyElsevier
Micro and NanostructuresElsevier
Microbes and InfectionElsevier
Microbial PathogenesisElsevier
Microbial Risk AnalysisElsevier
Microbiological ResearchElsevier
Microchemical JournalElsevier
Microelectronic EngineeringElsevier
Microelectronics JournalElsevier
Microelectronics ReliabilityElsevier
Microporous and Mesoporous MaterialsElsevier
Microporous MaterialsElsevier
Microprocessing and MicroprogrammingElsevier
Microprocessors and MicrosystemsElsevier
Microvascular ResearchElsevier
Minerals EngineeringElsevier
Mining Science and Technology (China)Elsevier
Modern PathologyElsevier
Molecular and Biochemical ParasitologyElsevier
Molecular and Cellular EndocrinologyElsevier
Molecular and Cellular NeuroscienceElsevier
Molecular and Cellular ProbesElsevier
Molecular Aspects of MedicineElsevier
Molecular AstrophysicsElsevier
Molecular Brain ResearchElsevier
Molecular CatalysisElsevier
Molecular CellElsevier
Molecular Cell Biology Research CommunicationsElsevier
Molecular Genetics and MetabolismElsevier
Molecular ImmunologyElsevier
Molecular Medicine TodayElsevier
Molecular Phylogenetics and EvolutionElsevier
Molecular PlantElsevier
Molecular TherapyElsevier
Multiple Sclerosis and Related DisordersElsevier
Musculoskeletal Science and PracticeElsevier
Mutation Research LettersElsevier
Mutation Research/DNA RepairElsevier
Mutation Research/DNAgingElsevier
Mutation Research/Environmental Mutagenesis and Related SubjectsElsevier
Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of MutagenesisElsevier
Mutation Research/Genetic ToxicologyElsevier
Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental MutagenesisElsevier
Mutation Research/Mutation Research GenomicsElsevier
Mutation Research/Reviews in Genetic ToxicologyElsevier
Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation ResearchElsevier
Mycological ResearchElsevier
Nano Communication NetworksElsevier
Nano EnergyElsevier
Nano TodayElsevier
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and MedicineElsevier
Nanostructured MaterialsElsevier
Nano-Structures & Nano-ObjectsElsevier
NDT & E InternationalElsevier
Netherlands Journal of Sea ResearchElsevier
Neural NetworksElsevier
Neurobiology of AgingElsevier
Neurobiology of DiseaseElsevier
Neurobiology of Learning and MemoryElsevier
Neurochemistry InternationalElsevier
Neurocirugía (English Edition)Elsevier
Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain ResearchElsevier
Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural InterfaceElsevier
Neuromuscular DisordersElsevier
Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical NeurophysiologyElsevier
Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'AdolescenceElsevier
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral ReviewsElsevier
Neuroscience LettersElsevier
Neuroscience ResearchElsevier
Neurotoxicology and TeratologyElsevier
New AstronomyElsevier
New Astronomy ReviewsElsevier
New BiotechnologyElsevier
New Carbon MaterialsElsevier
New Ideas in PsychologyElsevier
Newborn and Infant Nursing ReviewsElsevier
Next ResearchElsevier
Nitric OxideElsevier
NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life SciencesElsevier
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid SystemsElsevier
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World ApplicationsElsevier
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & ApplicationsElsevier
Nonlinear ScienceElsevier
Nuclear and Particle Physics ProceedingsElsevier
Nuclear Data SheetsElsevier
Nuclear Engineering and DesignElsevier
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated EquipmentElsevier
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and AtomsElsevier
Nuclear Medicine and BiologyElsevier
Nuclear Physics AElsevier
Nuclear Physics BElsevier
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings SupplementsElsevier
Nurse Education in PracticeElsevier
Nurse Education TodayElsevier
Nurse LeaderElsevier
Nursing OutlookElsevier
Nutrition Clinique et MétabolismeElsevier
Nutrition ResearchElsevier
Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular DiseasesElsevier
Obesity MedicineElsevier
Obesity Research & Clinical PracticeElsevier
Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive MedicineElsevier
Ocean & Coastal ManagementElsevier
Ocean EngineeringElsevier
Ocean ModellingElsevier
Oceanologica ActaElsevier
One EarthElsevier
Online Social Networks and MediaElsevier
Operations Research for Health CareElsevier
Operations Research LettersElsevier
Operative Techniques in Cardiac and Thoracic SurgeryElsevier
Operative Techniques in General SurgeryElsevier
Operative Techniques in NeurosurgeryElsevier
Operative Techniques in OrthopaedicsElsevier
Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryElsevier
Operative Techniques in Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryElsevier
Operative Techniques in Sports MedicineElsevier
Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeryElsevier
Ophthalmology GlaucomaElsevier
Ophthalmology RetinaElsevier
Opportunistic PathogensElsevier
Optical Fiber TechnologyElsevier
Optical MaterialsElsevier
Optical Switching and NetworkingElsevier
Optics & Laser TechnologyElsevier
Optics and Lasers in EngineeringElsevier
Optics CommunicationsElsevier
Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron OpticsElsevier
Optometry - Journal of the American Optometric AssociationElsevier
Oral OncologyElsevier
Oral Oncology SupplementElsevier
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral RadiologyElsevier
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and EndodontologyElsevier
Ore and Energy Resource GeologyElsevier
Ore Geology ReviewsElsevier
Organic ElectronicsElsevier
Organic GeochemistryElsevier
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision ProcessesElsevier
Organizational DynamicsElsevier
Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & ResearchElsevier
Orthopaedics and TraumaElsevier
Osteoarthritis and CartilageElsevier
Osteopathische Medizin, Zeitschrift für ganzheitliche HeilverfahrenElsevier
Pacific-Basin Finance JournalElsevier
Paediatric Respiratory ReviewsElsevier
Paediatrics and Child HealthElsevier
Pain Management NursingElsevier
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, PalaeoecologyElsevier
Parallel ComputingElsevier
Parasitology InternationalElsevier
Parasitology TodayElsevier
Parkinsonism & Related DisordersElsevier
Pathologie BiologieElsevier
Pathology - Research and PracticeElsevier
Patient Education and CounselingElsevier
Pattern RecognitionElsevier
Pattern Recognition LettersElsevier
Pediatric Dental JournalElsevier
Pediatric NeurologyElsevier
Performance Enhancement & HealthElsevier
Performance EvaluationElsevier
Perioperative Care and Operating Room ManagementElsevier
Perioperative MedizinElsevier
Personality and Individual DifferencesElsevier
Personalized Medicine in PsychiatryElsevier
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and SystematicsElsevier
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and ProteomicsElsevier
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious DiseasesElsevier
Complementary Therapies in Clinical PracticeElsevier
Complementary Therapies in MedicineElsevier
Complementary Therapies in Nursing and MidwiferyElsevier
Composite StructuresElsevier
Composites Business AnalystElsevier
Composites CommunicationsElsevier
Composites EngineeringElsevier
Composites ManufacturingElsevier
Composites Part A: Applied Science and ManufacturingElsevier
Composites Part B: EngineeringElsevier
Composites Science and TechnologyElsevier
Comprehensive PsychiatryElsevier
Computational and Theoretical ChemistryElsevier
Computational and Theoretical Polymer ScienceElsevier
Computational Biology and ChemistryElsevier
Computational Condensed MatterElsevier
Computational GeometryElsevier
Computational Materials ScienceElsevier
Computational Statistics & Data AnalysisElsevier
Computational ToxicologyElsevier
Computer Aided Geometric DesignElsevier
Computer Audit UpdateElsevier
Computer CommunicationsElsevier
Computer Fraud & Security BulletinElsevier
Computer Integrated Manufacturing SystemsElsevier
Computer LanguagesElsevier
Computer Languages, Systems & StructuresElsevier
Computer Law & Security ReviewElsevier
Computer Methods and Programs in BiomedicineElsevier
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and EngineeringElsevier
Computer NetworksElsevier
Computer Networks and ISDN SystemsElsevier
Computer Physics CommunicationsElsevier
Computer Science ReviewElsevier
Computer Speech & LanguageElsevier
Computer Standards & InterfacesElsevier
Computer Vision and Image UnderstandingElsevier
Computer-Aided DesignElsevier
Computerized Medical Imaging and GraphicsElsevier
Computers & Chemical EngineeringElsevier
Computers & ChemistryElsevier
Computers & EducationElsevier
Computers & Electrical EngineeringElsevier
Computers & FluidsElsevier
Computers & GeosciencesElsevier
Computers & GraphicsElsevier
Computers & Industrial EngineeringElsevier
Computers & Mathematics with ApplicationsElsevier
Computers & Operations ResearchElsevier
Computers & SecurityElsevier
Computers & StructuresElsevier
Computers and Biomedical ResearchElsevier
Computers and CompositionElsevier
Computers and Electronics in AgricultureElsevier
Computers and GeotechnicsElsevier
Computers in Biology and MedicineElsevier
Computers in Human BehaviorElsevier
Computers in IndustryElsevier
Computers, Environment and Urban SystemsElsevier
Computing Systems in EngineeringElsevier
Consciousness and CognitionElsevier
Construction and Building MaterialsElsevier
Contact Lens and Anterior EyeElsevier
Contemporary Clinical TrialsElsevier
Contemporary Educational PsychologyElsevier
Continental Shelf ResearchElsevier
Control Engineering PracticeElsevier
Controlled Clinical TrialsElsevier
Coordination Chemistry ReviewsElsevier
Coronary Health CareElsevier
Corrosion ScienceElsevier
COSPAR Information BulletinElsevier
Cretaceous ResearchElsevier
Critical Perspectives on AccountingElsevier
Critical Reviews in Oncology/HematologyElsevier
Crop ProtectionElsevier
Crystal EngineeringElsevier
Current Anaesthesia & Critical CareElsevier
Current Applied PhysicsElsevier
Current BiologyElsevier
Current Diagnostic PathologyElsevier
Current Obstetrics & GynaecologyElsevier
Current Opinion in Behavioral SciencesElsevier
Current Opinion in Biomedical EngineeringElsevier
Current Opinion in BiotechnologyElsevier
Current Opinion in Cell BiologyElsevier
Current Opinion in Chemical BiologyElsevier
Current Opinion in Chemical EngineeringElsevier
Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface ScienceElsevier
Current Opinion in ElectrochemistryElsevier
Current Opinion in Endocrine and Metabolic ResearchElsevier
Current Opinion in Environmental Science & HealthElsevier
Current Opinion in Environmental SustainabilityElsevier
Current Opinion in Food ScienceElsevier
Current Opinion in Genetics & DevelopmentElsevier
Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable ChemistryElsevier
Current Opinion in ImmunologyElsevier
Current Opinion in Insect ScienceElsevier
Current Opinion in MicrobiologyElsevier
Current Opinion in NeurobiologyElsevier
Current Opinion in PharmacologyElsevier
Current Opinion in PhysiologyElsevier
Current Opinion in Plant BiologyElsevier
Current Opinion in PsychologyElsevier
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials ScienceElsevier
Current Opinion in Structural BiologyElsevier
Current Opinion in Systems BiologyElsevier
Current Opinion in ToxicologyElsevier
Current Opinion in VirologyElsevier
Current OrthopaedicsElsevier
Current PaediatricsElsevier
Current Problems in CancerElsevier
Current Problems in CardiologyElsevier
Current Problems in DermatologyElsevier
Current Problems in Diagnostic RadiologyElsevier
Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health CareElsevier
Current Problems in PediatricsElsevier
Current Problems in SurgeryElsevier
Current Research in Translational Medicine Elsevier
Current SurgeryElsevier
Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and LearningElsevier
Cytokine & Growth Factor ReviewsElsevier
Data & Knowledge EngineeringElsevier
Decision Support SystemsElsevier
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research PapersElsevier
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in OceanographyElsevier
Dental AbstractsElsevier
Dental MaterialsElsevier
Der Zoologische GartenElsevier
Design StudiesElsevier
Development and Sustainability in Economics and FinanceElsevier
Developmental & Comparative ImmunologyElsevier
Developmental BiologyElsevier
Developmental Brain ResearchElsevier
Developmental CellElsevier
Developmental ReviewElsevier
Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Search and ReviewsElsevier
Diabetes & MetabolismElsevier
Diabetes Research and Clinical PracticeElsevier
Diagnostic and Interventional ImagingElsevier
Diagnostic HistopathologyElsevier
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious DiseaseElsevier
Diamond and Related MaterialsElsevier
Differential Geometry and its ApplicationsElsevier
Digestive and Liver DiseaseElsevier
Digestive and Liver Disease SupplementsElsevier
Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural HeritageElsevier
Digital InvestigationElsevier
Digital Signal ProcessingElsevier
Disability and Health JournalElsevier
Disaster Management & ResponseElsevier
Discourse, Context & MediaElsevier
Discrete Applied MathematicsElsevier
Discrete MathematicsElsevier
Discrete OptimizationElsevier
DNA RepairElsevier
DoctorConsult – The Journal. Wissen für Klinik und PraxisElsevier
Domestic Animal EndocrinologyElsevier
Drug and Alcohol DependenceElsevier
Drug Discovery TodayElsevier
Drug Discovery Today: BIOSILICOElsevier
Drug Discovery Today: Disease MechanismsElsevier
Drug Discovery Today: Disease ModelsElsevier
Drug Discovery Today: TARGETSElsevier
Drug Discovery Today: TechnologiesElsevier
Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic StrategiesElsevier
Drug Metabolism and PharmacokineticsElsevier
Drug Resistance UpdatesElsevier
Dyes and PigmentsElsevier
Dynamics of Atmospheres and OceansElsevier
Early Childhood Research QuarterlyElsevier
Early Human DevelopmentElsevier
Earth and Planetary Science LettersElsevier
Earth Science FrontiersElsevier
Earth-Science ReviewsElsevier
Eating BehaviorsElsevier
EAU Update SeriesElsevier
EAU-EBU Update SeriesElsevier
Ecohydrology & HydrobiologyElsevier
Ecological ComplexityElsevier
Ecological EconomicsElsevier
Ecological EngineeringElsevier
Ecological Genetics and GenomicsElsevier
Ecological IndicatorsElsevier
Ecological InformaticsElsevier
Ecological ModellingElsevier
Econometrics and StatisticsElsevier
Economic Analysis and PolicyElsevier
Economic ModellingElsevier
Economic SystemsElsevier
Economics & Human BiologyElsevier
Economics LettersElsevier
Economics of Education ReviewElsevier
Economics of TransportationElsevier
Ecosystem ServicesElsevier
Ecotoxicology and Environmental SafetyElsevier
Education for Chemical EngineersElsevier
Educational Research ReviewElsevier
Electoral StudiesElsevier
Electric Power Systems ResearchElsevier
Electrochemistry CommunicationsElsevier
Electrochimica ActaElsevier
Electroencephalography and Clinical NeurophysiologyElsevier
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Electromyography and Motor ControlElsevier
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Evoked Potentials SectionElsevier
Electronic Commerce Research and ApplicationsElsevier
Electronic Notes in Discrete MathematicsElsevier
EMC - Anesthésie-RéanimationElsevier
EMC - Cardiologie-AngéiologieElsevier
EMC - ChirurgieElsevier
EMC - DentisterieElsevier
EMC - Dermatologie-CosmétologieElsevier
EMC - EndocrinologieElsevier
EMC - Gynécologie-ObstétriqueElsevier
EMC - HématologieElsevier
EMC - Hépato-GastroenterologieElsevier
EMC - HépatologieElsevier
EMC - KinésithérapieElsevier
EMC - MédecineElsevier
EMC - Maladies InfectieusesElsevier
EMC - NéphrologieElsevier
EMC - NeurologieElsevier
EMC - OdontologieElsevier
EMC - OphtalmologieElsevier
EMC - Oto-rhino-laryngologieElsevier
EMC - PédiatrieElsevier
EMC - PneumologieElsevier
EMC - PodologieElsevier
EMC - Podologie-KinésithérapieElsevier
EMC - PsychiatrieElsevier
EMC - RadiologieElsevier
EMC - Rhumatologie-OrthopédieElsevier
EMC - StomatologieElsevier
EMC - Toxicologie-PathologieElsevier
EMC - VétérinaireElsevier
Emerging Markets ReviewElsevier
Emotion, Space and SocietyElsevier
Endocrine PracticeElsevier
Endocrinología y Nutrición (English Edition)Elsevier
Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición (English ed.)Elsevier
Energy and BuildingsElsevier
Energy and Climate ChangeElsevier
Energy Conversion and ManagementElsevier
Energy EconomicsElsevier
Energy for Sustainable DevelopmentElsevier
Energy PolicyElsevier
Energy Research & Social ScienceElsevier
Energy Storage MaterialsElsevier
Energy Strategy ReviewsElsevier
Enfermedades infecciosas y microbiologia clinica (English ed.)Elsevier
Enfermería Clínica (English Edition)Elsevier
Enfermería Intensiva (English ed.)Elsevier
Engineering Analysis with Boundary ElementsElsevier
Engineering Applications of Artificial IntelligenceElsevier
Engineering Failure AnalysisElsevier
Engineering Fracture MechanicsElsevier
Engineering GeologyElsevier
Engineering StructuresElsevier
English for Specific PurposesElsevier
Entertainment ComputingElsevier
Environment InternationalElsevier
Environmental and Experimental BotanyElsevier
Environmental DevelopmentElsevier
Environmental Impact Assessment ReviewElsevier
Environmental Innovation and Societal TransitionsElsevier
Environmental Modelling & SoftwareElsevier
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & ManagementElsevier
Environmental PollutionElsevier
Environmental ResearchElsevier
Environmental Science & PolicyElsevier
Environmental SoftwareElsevier
Environmental Technology & InnovationElsevier
Environmental Toxicology and PharmacologyElsevier
Enzyme and Microbial TechnologyElsevier
Epilepsy & BehaviorElsevier
Epilepsy ResearchElsevier
e-SPEN JournalElsevier
e-SPEN, the European e-Journal of Clinical Nutrition and MetabolismElsevier
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf ScienceElsevier
Ethics, Medicine and Public HealthElsevier
Ethology and SociobiologyElsevier
European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck DiseasesElsevier
European Economic ReviewElsevier
European Geriatric MedicineElsevier
European Journal of AgronomyElsevier
European Journal of CancerElsevier
European Journal of Cancer Part B: Oral OncologyElsevier
European Journal of Cancer SupplementsElsevier
European Journal of Cell BiologyElsevier
European Journal of CombinatoricsElsevier
European Journal of ControlElsevier
European Journal of Integrative MedicineElsevier
European Journal of Internal MedicineElsevier
European Journal of Mechanics - A/SolidsElsevier
European Journal of Mechanics - B/FluidsElsevier
European Journal of Medical GeneticsElsevier
European Journal of Medicinal ChemistryElsevier
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive BiologyElsevier
European Journal of Oncology NursingElsevier
European Journal of Operational ResearchElsevier
European Journal of Paediatric NeurologyElsevier
European Journal of Pharmaceutical SciencesElsevier
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and BiopharmaceuticsElsevier
European Journal of PharmacologyElsevier
European Journal of Pharmacology: Environmental Toxicology and PharmacologyElsevier
European Journal of Pharmacology: Molecular PharmacologyElsevier
European Journal of Political EconomyElsevier
European Journal of ProtistologyElsevier
European Journal of Purchasing & Supply ManagementElsevier
European Journal of RadiologyElsevier
European Journal of Radiology ExtraElsevier
European Journal of Soil BiologyElsevier
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic ChemistryElsevier
European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO)Elsevier
European Journal of Trauma & DissociationElsevier
European Journal of UltrasoundElsevier
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryElsevier
European Management JournalElsevier
European NeuropsychopharmacologyElsevier
European Polymer JournalElsevier
European Research in Telemedicine / La Recherche Européenne en TélémédecineElsevier
European UrologyElsevier
European Urology FocusElsevier
European Urology OncologyElsevier
European Urology SupplementsElsevier
Evaluation and Program PlanningElsevier
Evidence-based Cardiovascular MedicineElsevier
Evidence-based HealthcareElsevier
Evidence-based Healthcare and Public HealthElsevier
Evidence-based Obstetrics & GynecologyElsevier
Evidence-based OncologyElsevier
Evolution and Human BehaviorElsevier
Exergy, An International JournalElsevier
Experimental and Molecular PathologyElsevier
Experimental and Toxicologic PathologyElsevier
Experimental Cell ResearchElsevier
Experimental Eye ResearchElsevier
Experimental GerontologyElsevier
Experimental HematologyElsevier
Experimental MycologyElsevier
Experimental NeurologyElsevier
Experimental ParasitologyElsevier
Experimental Thermal and Fluid ScienceElsevier
Expert Systems with ApplicationsElsevier
Explorations in Economic HistoryElsevier
EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and HealingElsevier
Expositiones MathematicaeElsevier
Extreme Mechanics LettersElsevier
Fertility and SterilityElsevier
Fibrinolysis and ProteolysisElsevier
Field Crops ResearchElsevier
Finance Research LettersElsevier
Finite Elements in Analysis and DesignElsevier
Finite Fields and Their ApplicationsElsevier
Fire Safety JournalElsevier
Fish & Shellfish ImmunologyElsevier
Fisheries ResearchElsevier
Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of PlantsElsevier
Flow Measurement and InstrumentationElsevier
Fluid Phase EquilibriaElsevier
Focus on CatalystsElsevier
Focus on PigmentsElsevier
Focus on Polyvinyl ChlorideElsevier
Focus on Powder CoatingsElsevier
Focus on SurfactantsElsevier
Food and Bioproducts ProcessingElsevier
Food and Chemical ToxicologyElsevier
Food and HumanityElsevier
Food BioscienceElsevier
Food ChemistryElsevier
Food ControlElsevier
Food HydrocolloidsElsevier
Food MicrobiologyElsevier
Food Packaging and Shelf LifeElsevier
Food PolicyElsevier
Food Quality and PreferenceElsevier
Food Research InternationalElsevier
Food StructureElsevier
Food WebsElsevier
Foot and Ankle SurgeryElsevier
Forensic ChemistryElsevier
Forensic ImagingElsevier
Forensic Science InternationalElsevier
Forensic Science International Supplement SeriesElsevier
Forensic Science International: Digital InvestigationElsevier
Forensic Science International: GeneticsElsevier
Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement SeriesElsevier
Forest Ecology and ManagementElsevier
Forest Policy and EconomicsElsevier
Free Radical Biology and MedicineElsevier
Frontiers in NeuroendocrinologyElsevier
Fuel and Energy AbstractsElsevier
Fuel Processing TechnologyElsevier
Fungal BiologyElsevier
Fungal Biology ReviewsElsevier
Fungal EcologyElsevier
Fungal Genetics and BiologyElsevier
Fusion Engineering and DesignElsevier
Fuss & SprunggelenkElsevier
Future Generation Computer SystemsElsevier
Fuzzy Sets and SystemsElsevier
Gait & PostureElsevier
Games and Economic BehaviorElsevier
Gas Separation & PurificationElsevier
Gastroentérologie Clinique et BiologiqueElsevier
Gastroenterología y Hepatología (English Edition)Elsevier
Gastrointestinal EndoscopyElsevier
Gender MedicineElsevier
Gene Expression PatternsElsevier
Gene ReportsElsevier
General and Comparative EndocrinologyElsevier
General Hospital PsychiatryElsevier
General Pharmacology: The Vascular SystemElsevier
Genetic Analysis: Biomolecular EngineeringElsevier
Genetics in MedicineElsevier
Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaElsevier
Geoderma RegionalElsevier
Geomechanics for Energy and the EnvironmentElsevier
Geotextiles and GeomembranesElsevier
Geriatric Mental Health CareElsevier
Geriatric NursingElsevier
Global and Planetary ChangeElsevier
Global Environmental ChangeElsevier
Academic PediatricsElsevier
Academic RadiologyElsevier
ACC Current Journal ReviewElsevier
Accident Analysis & PreventionElsevier
Accident and Emergency NursingElsevier
Accounting ForumElsevier
Accounting, Management and Information TechnologiesElsevier
Accounting, Organizations and SocietyElsevier
Acta AstronauticaElsevier
Acta BiomaterialiaElsevier
Acta Genetica SinicaElsevier
Acta HistochemicaElsevier
Acta MaterialiaElsevier
Acta Mathematica ScientiaElsevier
Acta Mechanica Solida SinicaElsevier
Acta Metallurgica et MaterialiaElsevier
Acta OecologicaElsevier
Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition)Elsevier
Acta PsychologicaElsevier
Acta TropicaElsevier
Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas (English Edition)Elsevier
Actas Urológicas Españolas (English Edition)Elsevier
Actualités PharmaceutiquesElsevier
Actualités Pharmaceutiques HospitalièresElsevier
Acute PainElsevier
Ad Hoc NetworksElsevier
Addictive BehaviorsElsevier
Additive ManufacturingElsevier
Advanced Cement Based MaterialsElsevier
Advanced Drug Delivery ReviewsElsevier
Advanced Engineering InformaticsElsevier
Advanced Powder TechnologyElsevier
Advances in AccountingElsevier
Advances in AnesthesiaElsevier
Advances in Applied MathematicsElsevier
Advances in Biological RegulationElsevier
Advances in Clinical RadiologyElsevier
Advances in Colloid and Interface ScienceElsevier
Advances in Cosmetic SurgeryElsevier
Advances in Engineering SoftwareElsevier
Advances in Environmental ResearchElsevier
Advances in Enzyme RegulationElsevier
Advances in Family Practice NursingElsevier
Advances in Integrative MedicineElsevier
Advances in International AccountingElsevier
Advances in Kidney Disease and HealthElsevier
Advances in Life Course ResearchElsevier
Advances in MathematicsElsevier
Advances in Medical SciencesElsevier
Advances in Molecular PathologyElsevier
Advances in NeuroimmunologyElsevier
Advances in OncologyElsevier
Advances in Ophthalmology and OptometryElsevier
Advances in PediatricsElsevier
Advances in Psychiatry and Behavioral HealthElsevier
Advances in Small Animal CareElsevier
Advances in Small Animal Medicine and SurgeryElsevier
Advances in Space ResearchElsevier
Advances in SurgeryElsevier
Advances in Water ResourcesElsevier
Aeolian ResearchElsevier
Aerospace Science and TechnologyElsevier
AEU - International Journal of Electronics and CommunicationsElsevier
African Transport StudiesElsevier
Ageing Research ReviewsElsevier
Aggression and Violent BehaviorElsevier
Agricultural and Forest MeteorologyElsevier
Agricultural Sciences in ChinaElsevier
Agricultural SystemsElsevier
Agricultural Water ManagementElsevier
Agriculture, Ecosystems & EnvironmentElsevier
Air & Space EuropeElsevier
Air Medical JournalElsevier
Aircraft DesignElsevier
AJO-DO Clinical CompanionElsevier
Algal ResearchElsevier
Ambulatory PediatricsElsevier
American Heart JournalElsevier
American Journal of Infection ControlElsevier
American Journal of Kidney DiseasesElsevier
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFMElsevier
American Journal of Obstetrics and GynecologyElsevier
American Journal of OphthalmologyElsevier
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial OrthopedicsElsevier
American Journal of OtolaryngologyElsevier
American Journal of Pharmaceutical EducationElsevier
American Journal of Preventive MedicineElsevier
American Journal of TransplantationElsevier
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Analytica Chimica ActaElsevier
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Anesthesia History Association NewsletterElsevier
Animal BehaviourElsevier
Animal Feed Science and TechnologyElsevier
Animal GeneElsevier
Animal Reproduction ScienceElsevier
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Applied Surface ScienceElsevier
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Human Resource Management ReviewElsevier
IFAC Journal of Systems and ControlElsevier
Il FarmacoElsevier
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Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Regulatory MechanismsElsevier
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Structure and ExpressionElsevier
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General SubjectsElsevier
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Lipids and Lipid MetabolismElsevier
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of LipidsElsevier
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of DiseaseElsevier
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell ResearchElsevier
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure and Molecular EnzymologyElsevier
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and ProteomicsElsevier
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on BiomembranesElsevier
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Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Pharmacology, Toxicology and EndocrinologyElsevier
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & PharmacologyElsevier
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Pesticide Biochemistry and PhysiologyElsevier
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Photovoltaics BulletinElsevier
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its ApplicationsElsevier
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Physica C: SuperconductivityElsevier
Physica D: Nonlinear PhenomenaElsevier
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and NanostructuresElsevier
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Physical Therapy in SportElsevier
Physics and Chemistry of the EarthElsevier
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and GeodesyElsevier
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and AtmosphereElsevier
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary ScienceElsevier
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/CElsevier
Physics Letters AElsevier
Physics Letters BElsevier
Physics of Life ReviewsElsevier
Physics of the Dark UniverseElsevier
Physics of The Earth and Planetary InteriorsElsevier
Physics ReportsElsevier
Physiological and Molecular Plant PathologyElsevier
Physiology & BehaviorElsevier
Phytochemistry LettersElsevier
Planetary and Space ScienceElsevier
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Probabilistic Engineering MechanicsElsevier
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Psychiatry Research: NeuroimagingElsevier
Psychologie FrançaiseElsevier
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REACH - Reviews in Human Space ExplorationElsevier
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Review of Palaeobotany and PalynologyElsevier
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Reviews in Gynaecological PracticeElsevier
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Revista de Psicodidáctica (English ed.)Elsevier
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Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental (English Edition)Elsevier
Revista Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación (English Edition)Elsevier
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Revista Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología (English Edition)Elsevier
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Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology CanadaElsevier
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryElsevier
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and PathologyElsevier
Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial ResearchElsevier
Journal of Oral BiosciencesElsevier
Journal of Organometallic ChemistryElsevier
Journal of Orthopaedic NursingElsevier
Journal of OrthopaedicsElsevier
Journal of Osteopathic MedicineElsevier
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and TourismElsevier
Journal of Pain and Symptom ManagementElsevier
Journal of Parallel and Distributed ComputingElsevier
Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent GynecologyElsevier
Journal of Pediatric Health CareElsevier
Journal of Pediatric NursingElsevier
Journal of Pediatric SurgeryElsevier
Journal of Pediatric UrologyElsevier
Journal of PeriAnesthesia NursingElsevier
Journal of Petroleum Science and EngineeringElsevier
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical AnalysisElsevier
Journal of Pharmaceutical SciencesElsevier
Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological MethodsElsevier
Journal of PhoneticsElsevier
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: ChemistryElsevier
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: BiologyElsevier
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry ReviewsElsevier
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of SolidsElsevier
Journal of Physiology-ParisElsevier
Journal of Plant PhysiologyElsevier
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic SurgeryElsevier
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Journal of Professional NursingElsevier
Journal of ProteomicsElsevier
Journal of Psychiatric ResearchElsevier
Journal of Psychosomatic ResearchElsevier
Journal of Public EconomicsElsevier
Journal of Purchasing and Supply ManagementElsevier
Journal of Pure and Applied AlgebraElsevier
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Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative TransferElsevier
Journal of Radiology NursingElsevier
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Journal of Rare EarthsElsevier
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Journal of Safety ResearchElsevier
Journal of School PsychologyElsevier
Journal of Science and Medicine in SportElsevier
Journal of Sea ResearchElsevier
Journal of Second Language WritingElsevier
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow SurgeryElsevier
Journal of Social and Evolutionary SystemsElsevier
Journal of Solid State ChemistryElsevier
Journal of Sound and VibrationElsevier
Journal of South American Earth SciencesElsevier
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Journal of Statistical Planning and InferenceElsevier
Journal of Stomatology oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryElsevier
Journal of Stored Products ResearchElsevier
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular DiseasesElsevier
Journal of Structural BiologyElsevier
Journal of Structural GeologyElsevier
Journal of Subatomic Particles and CosmologyElsevier
Journal of Substance AbuseElsevier
Journal of Substance Abuse TreatmentElsevier
Journal of Supramolecular ChemistryElsevier
Journal of Surgical EducationElsevier
Journal of Surgical ResearchElsevier
Journal of Sustainable Finance and AccountingElsevier
Journal of Symbolic ComputationElsevier
Journal of Systems and SoftwareElsevier
Journal of Systems ArchitectureElsevier
Journal of TerramechanicsElsevier
Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison PsychiatryElsevier
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and DieteticsElsevier
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent PsychiatryElsevier
Journal of the American Academy of DermatologyElsevier
Journal of the American College of CardiologyElsevier
Journal of the American College of RadiologyElsevier
Journal of the American Dietetic AssociationElsevier
Journal of the American Medical Directors AssociationElsevier
Journal of the American Pharmacists AssociationElsevier
Journal of the American Society of CytopathologyElsevier
Journal of the American Society of EchocardiographyElsevier
Journal of the Autonomic Nervous SystemElsevier
Journal of The British Contact Lens AssociationElsevier
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical EngineersElsevier
Journal of the Energy InstituteElsevier
Journal of the European Ceramic SocietyElsevier
Journal of the Franklin InstituteElsevier
Journal of the Indian Chemical SocietyElsevier
Journal of the Japanese and International EconomiesElsevier
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical MaterialsElsevier
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of SolidsElsevier
Journal of the National Medical AssociationElsevier
Journal of the Neurological SciencesElsevier
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical EngineersElsevier
Journal of the World Federation of OrthodontistsElsevier
Journal of Theoretical BiologyElsevier
Journal of Thermal BiologyElsevier
Journal of Thoracic OncologyElsevier
Journal of Thrombosis and HaemostasisElsevier
Journal of Tissue ViabilityElsevier
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and BiologyElsevier
Journal of Transport & HealthElsevier
Journal of Transport GeographyElsevier
Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas ResourcesElsevier
Journal of Urban EconomicsElsevier
Journal of Vascular Access DevicesElsevier
Journal of Vascular and Interventional RadiologyElsevier
Journal of Vascular NursingElsevier
Journal of Vascular SurgeryElsevier
Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic DisordersElsevier
Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and ResearchElsevier
Journal of Veterinary CardiologyElsevier
Journal of Virological MethodsElsevier
Journal of Visceral SurgeryElsevier
Journal of Visual Communication and Image RepresentationElsevier
Journal of Visual Languages & ComputingElsevier
Journal of Vocational BehaviorElsevier
Journal of VoiceElsevier
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal ResearchElsevier
Journal of Water Process EngineeringElsevier
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial AerodynamicsElsevier
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Language & CommunicationElsevier
Language SciencesElsevier
L'Année BiologiqueElsevier
Laser-Medizin: eine interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift ; Praxis, Klinik, ForschungElsevier
Latin American Transport StudiesElsevier
Learning and Individual DifferencesElsevier
Learning and InstructionElsevier
Learning and MotivationElsevier
Learning, Culture and Social InteractionElsevier
Legal MedicineElsevier
Leukemia ResearchElsevier
Library & Information Science ResearchElsevier
Life SciencesElsevier
Life Sciences in Space ResearchElsevier
Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland WatersElsevier
Linear Algebra and its ApplicationsElsevier
Linguistics and EducationElsevier
Livestock Production ScienceElsevier
Livestock ScienceElsevier
Location ScienceElsevier
Long Range PlanningElsevier
Lung CancerElsevier
LWT - Food Science and TechnologyElsevier
Médecine & DroitElsevier
Médecine NucléaireElsevier
Magnetic Resonance ImagingElsevier
Management Accounting ResearchElsevier
Manual TherapyElsevier
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Marine GeologyElsevier
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Marine ModelsElsevier
Marine PolicyElsevier
Marine Pollution BulletinElsevier
Marine StructuresElsevier
Materials & DesignElsevier
Materials & Design (1980-2015)Elsevier
Materials CharacterizationElsevier
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Materials Chemistry and Physics: Sustainability and EnergyElsevier
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Materials Science and Engineering: R: ReportsElsevier
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Materials Today NanoElsevier
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Materials Today SustainabilityElsevier
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Mathematical Social SciencesElsevier
Journal of Asia-Pacific EntomologyElsevier
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial PhysicsElsevier
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial PhysicsElsevier
Journal of AutoimmunityElsevier
Journal of Banking & FinanceElsevier
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental PsychiatryElsevier
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental EconomicsElsevier
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental FinanceElsevier
Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical MethodsElsevier
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Journal of BiotechnologyElsevier
Journal of Bodywork and Movement TherapiesElsevier
Journal of Building EngineeringElsevier
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Journal of Cancer NursingElsevier
Journal of Cancer PolicyElsevier
Journal of Cardiac FailureElsevier
Journal of CardiologyElsevier
Journal of Cardiology CasesElsevier
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular AnesthesiaElsevier
Journal of Cardiothoracic-Renal ResearchElsevier
Journal of Cardiovascular Computed TomographyElsevier
Journal of CatalysisElsevier
Journal of Cereal ScienceElsevier
Journal of Chemical NeuroanatomyElsevier
Journal of China University of Mining and TechnologyElsevier
Journal of Chiropractic HumanitiesElsevier
Journal of Chiropractic MedicineElsevier
Journal of Choice ModellingElsevier
Journal of Chromatography AElsevier
Journal of Chromatography BElsevier
Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and ApplicationsElsevier
Journal of Cleaner ProductionElsevier
Journal of Climate FinanceElsevier
Journal of Clinical and Experimental HepatologyElsevier
Journal of Clinical AnesthesiaElsevier
Journal of Clinical DensitometryElsevier
Journal of Clinical EpidemiologyElsevier
Journal of Clinical Forensic MedicineElsevier
Journal of Clinical LipidologyElsevier
Journal of Clinical NeuroscienceElsevier
Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and TraumaElsevier
Journal of Clinical VirologyElsevier
Journal of CO2 UtilizationElsevier
Journal of Colloid and Interface ScienceElsevier
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series AElsevier
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series BElsevier
Journal of Commodity MarketsElsevier
Journal of Communication DisordersElsevier
Journal of Comparative EconomicsElsevier
Journal of Comparative PathologyElsevier
Journal of ComplexityElsevier
Journal of Computational and Applied MathematicsElsevier
Journal of Computational PhysicsElsevier
Journal of Computational ScienceElsevier
Journal of Computer and System SciencesElsevier
Journal of Computer LanguagesElsevier
Journal of Constructional Steel ResearchElsevier
Journal of Contaminant HydrologyElsevier
Journal of Contemporary Accounting & EconomicsElsevier
Journal of Contextual Behavioral ScienceElsevier
Journal of Controlled ReleaseElsevier
Journal of Co-operative Organization and ManagementElsevier
Journal of Corporate FinanceElsevier
Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial SurgeryElsevier
Journal of Criminal JusticeElsevier
Journal of Critical CareElsevier
Journal of Crystal GrowthElsevier
Journal of Cultural HeritageElsevier
Journal of Cystic FibrosisElsevier
Journal of DentistryElsevier
Journal of Dermatological ScienceElsevier
Journal of Dermatological Science SupplementElsevier
Journal of Destination Marketing & ManagementElsevier
Journal of Development EconomicsElsevier
Journal of Diabetes and its ComplicationsElsevier
Journal of Differential EquationsElsevier
Journal of Discrete AlgorithmsElsevier
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and TechnologyElsevier
Journal of EconometricsElsevier
Journal of Economic Behavior & OrganizationElsevier
Journal of Economic Dynamics and ControlElsevier
Journal of Economic PsychologyElsevier
Journal of Economic TheoryElsevier
Journal of Economics and BusinessElsevier
Journal of Electroanalytical ChemistryElsevier
Journal of ElectrocardiologyElsevier
Journal of Electromyography and KinesiologyElsevier
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related PhenomenaElsevier
Journal of ElectrostaticsElsevier
Journal of Emergency NursingElsevier
Journal of Empirical FinanceElsevier
Journal of EndodonticsElsevier
Journal of Energy ChemistryElsevier
Journal of Energy Finance & DevelopmentElsevier
Journal of Energy StorageElsevier
Journal of Engineering and Technology ManagementElsevier
Journal of English for Academic PurposesElsevier
Journal of Environmental Chemical EngineeringElsevier
Journal of Environmental Economics and ManagementElsevier
Journal of Environmental ManagementElsevier
Journal of Environmental PsychologyElsevier
Journal of Environmental RadioactivityElsevier
Journal of Environmental SciencesElsevier
Journal of EpilepsyElsevier
Journal of Equine Veterinary ScienceElsevier
Journal of EthnopharmacologyElsevier
Journal of Evidence Based Dental PracticeElsevier
Journal of Exotic Pet MedicineElsevier
Journal of Experimental & Clinical MedicineElsevier
Journal of Experimental Animal ScienceElsevier
Journal of Experimental Child PsychologyElsevier
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and EcologyElsevier
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Journal of Family Business StrategyElsevier
Journal of Fermentation and BioengineeringElsevier
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Journal of Financial IntermediationElsevier
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Journal of Financial StabilityElsevier
Journal of Fluency DisordersElsevier
Journal of Fluids and StructuresElsevier
Journal of Fluorine ChemistryElsevier
Journal of Food Composition and AnalysisElsevier
Journal of Food EngineeringElsevier
Journal of Forensic and Legal MedicineElsevier
Journal of Forensic Radiology and ImagingElsevier
Journal of Fuel Chemistry and TechnologyElsevier
Journal of Functional AnalysisElsevier
Journal of Functional FoodsElsevier
Journal of Gastrointestinal SurgeryElsevier
Journal of Genetics and GenomicsElsevier
Journal of Geochemical ExplorationElsevier
Journal of GeodynamicsElsevier
Journal of Geometry and PhysicsElsevier
Journal of Geriatric OncologyElsevier
Journal of Global Antimicrobial ResistanceElsevier
Journal of Government InformationElsevier
Journal of Great Lakes ResearchElsevier
Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human ReproductionElsevier
Journal of Hand and MicrosurgeryElsevier
Journal of Hand TherapyElsevier
Journal of Hazardous MaterialsElsevier
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Journal of HepatologyElsevier
Journal of Herbal MedicineElsevier
Journal of High Energy AstrophysicsElsevier
Journal of Historical GeographyElsevier
Journal of Hospital InfectionElsevier
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism ManagementElsevier
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism EducationElsevier
Journal of Housing EconomicsElsevier
Journal of Human EvolutionElsevier
Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. BElsevier
Journal of HydrologyElsevier
Journal of Immunological MethodsElsevier
Journal of Immunology and Regenerative MedicineElsevier
Journal of Industrial and Engineering ChemistryElsevier
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Journal of International Money and FinanceElsevier
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Journal of Invertebrate PathologyElsevier
Journal of Investigative DermatologyElsevier
Journal of Iron and Steel Research, InternationalElsevier
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Journal of Light MetalsElsevier
Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell SignallingElsevier
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in ProgrammingElsevier
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process IndustriesElsevier
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Journal of MacroeconomicsElsevier
Journal of Magnetic ResonanceElsevier
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series AElsevier
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series BElsevier
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic MaterialsElsevier
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological TherapeuticsElsevier
Journal of Manufacturing ProcessesElsevier
Journal of Manufacturing SystemsElsevier
Journal of Marine SystemsElsevier
Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Advances in the Clinical LabElsevier
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Journal of Mathematical Analysis and ApplicationsElsevier
Journal of Mathematical EconomicsElsevier
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Journal of Medical Colleges of PlaElsevier
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation SciencesElsevier
Journal of Membrane ScienceElsevier
Journal of Memory and LanguageElsevier
Journal of Microbiological MethodsElsevier
Journal of Microcomputer ApplicationsElsevier
Journal of Minimally Invasive GynecologyElsevier
Journal of Molecular and Cellular CardiologyElsevier
Journal of Molecular BiologyElsevier
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: ChemicalElsevier
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: EnzymaticElsevier
Journal of Molecular GraphicsElsevier
Journal of Molecular Graphics and ModellingElsevier
Journal of Molecular LiquidsElsevier
Journal of Molecular SpectroscopyElsevier
Journal of Molecular StructureElsevier
Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEMElsevier
Journal of Monetary EconomicsElsevier
Journal of Multinational Financial ManagementElsevier
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Journal of Natural Gas ChemistryElsevier
Journal of Natural Gas Science and EngineeringElsevier
Journal of Neonatal NursingElsevier
Scripta MaterialiaElsevier
Scripta Metallurgica et MaterialiaElsevier
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Seminars in Pediatric NeurologyElsevier
Seminars in Pediatric SurgeryElsevier
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