New Arrivals on 23.10.2024

(The following books will be issued after 07.11.2024)
Title Author Call No.
Generalities, Computer Science & Social Science
1 Marthyagaadha(മർത്യഗാഥ) Rajan, K. A. 001:572=M RAJ/M
2 Artificial intelligence perspective for smart cities Tecim,Vahap 004.8:711.432 TEC/A
3 Imaginable: how to see the future coming and be ready for anything McGonigal, Jane 159.923.2 MCG/I
4 Four ways of thinking: statistical, interactive, chaotic and complex Sumpter, David 159.955 SUM/F
5 Ikigai : jeevitham anandakaramakkan oru japanese rahasyam Garcia, Hector 17.022.1=M GAR/I;1
6 Papa Francisinte pathu haritha kalpanakal(പാപ്പാ ഫ്രാൻസിസിൻ്റെ പത്ത് ഹരിത കല്പനകൾ) Isaac Kureethadam, Joshtrom 27-428-242.6 ISA/P
7 Gender and modernity in Kerala: politics, praxes and paradoxes Meena T. Pillai 305(540.69) MEE/G
8 Stree Lekhan(स्त्री लेखन): Swapn Aur Sankalp (स्वरूप और संकल्प) Rohini Aggarwal 305-055.2=H ROH/S
9 My life as a comrade:The story of an extraordinary politician and the world that shaped her Shailaja,K. K 323 SHA/M
10 The Ministry of common sense Lindstrom, Martin 330 LIN/M
11 Customary rights of farmers in neoliberal India: a legal and policy analysis Sophy K. Joseph 34: 631.1(540) SOP/C
12 K. S. R. Made easy: Kerala Service Rules with special focus on departmental tests Louis C. T. 342.98(540.69) LOU/K
13 Literary characters in intellectual property law McCutcheon, Jani 343.533:82 MCC/L
14 The future of copyright in the age of artificial intelligence Gaon, Aviv H. 347.78:004.8 GAO/F
15 Kerala-wonder in decentralisation: comparative international perspectives Balan, P. P. 35:071.6(540.69) BAL/K
Science and management
16 The raging Himalayas and a warming planet:recollections of the 2013 Himalayan floods and reflections on global warming Asokan Vengassery 502 ASO/R
17 On the origin of time: Stephen Hawking's final theory Hertog, Thomas 524.8 HER/O
18 Computational fluid dynamics for mechanical engineering Qin, George 532:004.42 QIN/C
19 Raman spectroscopy in human health and biomedicine Sato,Hidetoshi 535.375.5:614 SAT/R
20 Chemistry and energy: from conventional to renewable Benvenuto, Mark Anthony 54+620.92 BEN/C
21 Classical mechanics in geophysical fluid dynamics Morita,Osamu 550.3:532 MOR/C
22 Peptide and protein engineering for biotechnological and therapeutic applications Rousselot-Pailley, Pierre 60:577.112 ROU/P
23 Fire and safety management Narayana Pillai, P. N. 614.84 NAR/F
24 Pumping technologies Narayana Pillai, P. N. 621.65 NAR/P;3
25 Manual of geotechnical laboratory soil testing Mir, Bashir Ahmed 624.13(035) MIR/M
26 Indian kappalottathinte charithram(ഇന്ത്യൻ കപ്പലോട്ടത്തിൻ്റെ ചരിത്രം) Raghavan, T. R 629.5(540)=M RAH/I
27 Thermal insulation and radiation control technologies for buildings Kosny, Jan, 69:621.317.38 KOS/T
Art, Literature, Geography Fiction
28 Keralathile vadyakalakal(കേരളത്തിലെ വാദ്യകലകൾ) Nambiathan Namboothiri P 785(540.69)=M NAM/K
29 K. N. Panikkar: the theatre of rasa Udayan Vajpeyi, 792 UDA/T
30 Complete modern English grammar: fundamentals and systematic learning method Udaykumar Marar 802.0-5 UDA/C
31 Shakespeare for every day of the year Esiri,Allie 820-1 ESI/S
32 Rashtrageethika(രാഷ്ട്രഗീതിക) Sasthamangalam,T. P. 89M.09 SAS/R
33 Pulanju valanja vazhiyil(പുളഞ്ഞ് വളഞ്ഞ വഴിയിൽ) Ratheesh,K. 89M-1 RAT/P
34 Kadalayum mazhayayum(കടലായും മഴയായും) Soopy, K. T 89M-1 SOO/K
35 Chiriyude kodiyettam(ചിരിയുടെ കൊടിയേറ്റം) Madhu K V 89M-7 MAD/C
36 Nedumpathayile cheruchuvadu(നെടുമ്പാതയിലെ ചെറുചുവട്) Akkai Padmashali 89M-94 AKK/N
37 Mahatmaji: oppam nadannavarude ormakal(മഹാത്മജി: ഒപ്പം നടന്നവരുടെ ഓർമ്മകൾ) Arsu 89M-94 ARS/M G
38 Madhyeyingane(മധ്യേയിങ്ങനെ) Subhash Chandran 89M-94 SUB/M
39 V. T.: oru thuranna pusthakam(വി. ടി.: ഒരു തുറന്ന പുസ്തകം) Vasudevan,V. T. 89M-94 VAS/V
40 Neroodayotoppam(നെരൂദയോടൊപ്പം) Yurushiya,Mattilda 89M-94 YUR/N
41 Becoming Babasaheb: the life and times of Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar- Vol 1-Birth to Mahad(1891-1929) Aakash Singh Rathore 92(AMB) AAK/B
42 K. P. Appan: nishedhiyum maharshiyum(കെ. പി. അപ്പൻ: നിഷേധിയും മഹർഷിയും) Prasannarajan 92(APP)=M PRA/K
43 Kesari-oru kaalaghattathinte srashtaavu(കേസരി ഒരു കാലഘട്ടത്തിൻ്റെ സ്രഷ്ടാവ്) Sanoo M K 92(BAL)=M SAN/K
44 Rocketing through the skies:an eventful life at ISRO Madhavan Nair, G. 92(MAD) MAD/R
45 Sachin:story of the world's greatest batsman Ezekiel, Gulu 92(SAC) EZE/S
46 Keralathinte Innalekal(കേരളത്തിൻ്റെ ഇന്നലെകൾ) Ganesh, K. N. 94(540.69) GAN/K
47 Onnam lokamahayuddham (ഒന്നാം ലോകമഹായുദ്ധം) Vasudevan Pillai,N 940.3=M VAS/O
48 Jahangir(ജഹാംഗീർ) Balachandran K P 954=M BAL/J
49 Fire bird Perumal Murugan F PER/F
50 The Collector Silva, Daniel F SIL/C
51 Lankayuddham(ലങ്കായുദ്ധം) Amish Tripathi FM AMI/L
52 Kalingathile pratikaradevatha(കലിംഗത്തിലെ പ്രതികാരദേവത) Bhave, Shreyas. FM BHA/K
53 Fahrenheit 451(ഫാരൻഹൈറ്റ് 451) Bradbury, Ray FM BRA/F
54 Krishnan oru ezhamindriyam(കൃഷ്‌ണൻ ഒരു ഏഴാമിന്ദ്രിയം) Debasish Chatterjee FM DEB/K
55 Indiayilekkulla paatha(ഇന്ത്യയിലേക്കുള്ള പാത) Forster, E M FM FOR/I
56 Muthalalaayani (മുതലലായനി) Indugopan, G. R. FM IND/M
57 Anpathu kathakal(50 കഥകൾ) Kafka, Franz FM KAF/A
58 Dharmayodha Kalki ( ധര്‍മ്മയോദ്ധ കല്‍ക്കി): Vishnuvinte Avatharam ( വിഷ്ണുവിന്റെ അവതാരം) Kevin Missal FM KEV/D
59 Mahayodha Kalki (മഹായോദ്ധ കൽക്കി): Shivante Avatharam (ശിവന്റെ അവതാരം) Kevin Missal FM KEV/M
60 General thante Ravanankottayil(ജനറൽ തൻ്റെ രാവണൻ കോട്ടയിൽ) Marquez, Gabriel Garcia FM MAR/G
61 B. C. 261(ബി. സി. 261) Ranju Kilimanoor FM RAN/B
62 Aaranu kolayali(ആരാണു കൊലയാളി)? Sayers, Dorothy L. FM SAY/A
63 Karnan(കർണൻ) Shivaji Sawant FM SHI/K;1
64 Pranayadhooth(പ്രണയദൂത്) Sudheera, K. P. FM SUD/P
65 Nagnanaya kolayaliyude jeevitham(നഗ്നനായ കൊലയാളിയുടെ ജീവിതം) Viswanath,K FM VIS/N

