New Arrivals on 07.10.2024

(The following books will be issued after 22.10.2024)
Title Author Call No.
Generalities, Computer Science & Social Science
1 Mahatmavinte manass (മഹാത്മാവിൻ്റെ മനസ്സ് ) Varma, K. N. S. 1=M VAR/M G
2 Intermediate English grammar: reference and practice for South Asian students Murphy, Raymond 802.0-5 MUR/I
3 Modi's India: Hindu nationalism and the rise of ethnic democracy Jaffrelot, Christophe 32(540) JAF/M
4 Confirmation bias in criminal cases Liden, Moa 343.2/.7 LID/C
5 Brand protection and the global risk of product counterfeits: a total business solution approach Wilson, Jeremy M, ed. 343.533.4 WIL/B
6 Teaching intellectual property law: strategy and management Jacques, Sabine, 343.533:37 JAC/T
7 Law on prevention of money laundering in India Mehanathan M C 343.9.024:336.7 MEH/L
8 Foundations of educational technology: integrative approaches and interdisciplinary perspectives Morel, Gwendolyn M. 37:6 MOR/F
9 Totto-chan: the little girl at the window Kuroyanagi, Tetsuko 373.3 KUR/T
Science and management
10 Wildlife forensic investigation: principles and practice Cooper,John E. 502.7 COO/W
11 Remote sensing of turbulence Raizer, Victor 528.8 RAI/R
12 Pyrolysis-gas chromatography: mass spectrometry of polymeric materials Kusch,Peter 543.544:66.092-977 KUS/P
13 Biosafety and bioethics in biotechnology: policy, advocacy and capacity building Uzochukwu, Sylvia 608.1:614.8 UZO/B
14 Fire and safety management Narayana Pillai, P. N. 614.84 NAR/F;1
15 Topics in nanoscience Schommers,Wolfram 620.3 SCH/T.15-620.3 SCH/T2.15 R
16 Pressuremeters in geotechnical design Clarke, B.G. 624.13:531.787 CLA/P
17 Industrial chemistry Benvenuto,Mark Anthony 66(075.8) BEN/I
18 Nanocellular polymers: from microscale to nanoscale Martín de León, Judith 678:620.3 MAR/N
Art, Literature, Geography Fiction
19 Navodhana moolyangalum malayala cinemayum(നവോത്ഥാനമൂല്യങ്ങളും മലയാള സിനിമയും) Jinesh Kumar Eramam 791.43=M JIN/N
20 Adhunik hindi mithkiya upanyason mein manav sambandh (आधुनिक हिन्दी मिथकीय उपन्यासों में मानव संबंध) Haimavati, T. 89H-3.09 HAI/A
21 Premchand ki upanyas-kala (प्रेमचन्द की उपन्यास कला) Janardan prasad jha 89H-3.09 JAN/P
22 Samskruthi vividha pariprekshan (संस्कृति विविध परिप्रेक्षण):Samay Se Samvad 14 (समय से संवाद 14 ) Pandey, Manu 89H.09 PAN/S
23 Hindi sahithya(हिंदी साहित्य):samajik sarokar(सामाजिक सरोकार) Preethika. N. 89H.09 PRE/H
24 Bhumandalikaran aur hindi upanyas(भूमंडलीकरण और हिन्दी उपन्यास) Neeru Agrawal, Ed. 89H-3.09 NEE/B
25 Tharisubhoomi(തരിശുഭൂമി Eliot, T. S. 89M-1 ELI/T
26 Prasrayam(പ്രശ്രയം) Athmaraman 89M-1.09 ATM/P
27 Kazhcha loka nadaka charithram(കാഴ്‌ച ലോക നാടകചരിത്രം) Rajan Thiruvoth 89M-2(100) RAJ/K
28 Deeccee phalithangal (ഡീസീ ഫലിതങ്ങൾ ) Aravindan K.S Mangalam 89M-7 ARA/D;1
29 Kattupanankakka(കാട്ടുപനങ്കാക്ക)vanayathrakal- ormmakal(വനയാത്രകൾ-ഓർമ്മകൾ) Deepakumar Narayanan 89M-94 DEE/K
30 Pashchimaghattom(പശ്ചിമഘട്ടം): oru pranayakatha (ഒരു പ്രണയകഥ) Gadgil,Madhav 92(GAD)=M GAD/P
31 Courting India: England, Mughal India and the origins of empire Nandini Das 954 NAN/C
32 Keralacharithram: Kerala samsthaana roopeekaranam vare(കേരള ചരിത്രം: കേരള സംസ്ഥാന രൂപീകരണം വരെ) Velayudhan Panickassery 954.83=M VEL/K
33 The wind knows my name Allende,Isabel F ALL/W
34 Shall we tell the president? Archer, Jeffrey F ARC/S
35 Groundskeeping Cole,Lee F COL/G
36 Land of smoke Gallardo, Sara F GAL/L
37 Spectre of Alexander wolf Gazdanov, Gaito F GAZ/S
38 The Door-to-door bookstore Henn, Carsten F HEN/D
39 Subversive whispers Manasi F MAN/S
40 Untamed shore Moreno-Garcia, Silvia F MOR/U
41 The year of the hare Paasilinna, Arto F PAA/Y
42 The Reader Schlink, Bernhard F SCH/R
43 Stranger in the mirror Sidney Sheldon F SHE/S
44 Kashi (Harappa trilogy): Secret of the black temple Vineet Bajpai F VIN/K
45 A terrible kindness Wroe,Jo Browning F WRO/T
46 Vishnu Anand FM ANAN/V;1
47 Maranathinte thirakatha(മരണത്തിൻ്റെ തിരകഥ) Anvar Abdullah FM ANV/M
48 One by one(വൺ ബൈ വൺ) Anwar Abdulla FM ANW/O
49 Purusharthangal(പുരുഷാർത്ഥങ്ങൾ) Biju Ramachandran FM BIJ/P
50 Peekkingil ninnulla kathu(പീക്കിങ്ങിൽ നിന്നുള്ള കത്ത്) Buck,Pearl S. FM BUC/P
51 Murder room(മർഡർ റൂം) Chase,James Hadley FM CHA/M
52 Vilayath budha(വിലായത്ത് ബുദ്ധ) Indugopan G R FM IND/V
53 Sathyodaya Kalki (സത്യയോദ്ധ കല്‍ക്കി): Brahmachakshus (ബ്രഹ്മചക്ഷുസ്) Kevin Missal FM KEV/S
54 Magic mountain(മാജിക് മൗണ്ടൻ) Mann,Thomas FM MANN/M
55 Muzhakkam(മുഴക്കം) Mathews P F FM MAT/M
56 Puzhakkutti(പുഴക്കുട്ടി) Mukthar, Udarampoyil FM MUK/P
57 Shootout(ഷൂട്ടൗട്ട്) Ramesan Mullassery FM RAM/S
58 Chhatrapati Shivaji(ഛത്രപതി ശിവജി) Ranjith Desai FM RAJ/C
59 Randu neelamatsyangal(രണ്ടു നീലമത്സ്യങ്ങൾ) Shabu Kilithattil FM SHA/R
Childrens Literature
60 Harry potter and the chamber of secrets Rowling, J.K F ROW/CS;1 CL
61 Harry potter and the half blood prince Rowling, J.K F ROW/HB CL
62 Harry potter and the philosopher's stone Rowling, J.K F ROW/PS CL

